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Thread: Am I being unreasonable? (long distance relationship dilemma)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Am I being unreasonable? (long distance relationship dilemma)

    Lately I feel like my bf and I aren't talking as much as we used to. We would skype and whatsapp daily and more frequently before. These days, like last week, we only skyped twice but we stay in touch daily on whatsapp or facebook. On skype our convo was often cut short because he is falling asleep or he has to leave early cuz he has friends waiting. Now I can understand how on the weekend maybe we won't be able to talk as much, since he wants to go hang out with his friends and not be on the phone the whole time. But now on the weekdays, he is spending more time playing computer games. While he is playing games, he will reply me much slower and would talk less. Yesterday I had a really bad day at work and I was hoping maybe he'll make me feel better just by talkin to me or comforting me. But instead he was busy playing computer games so he wasn't replying much.

    I had told him that I had a shitty day at work, but I couldn't tell him what happened at the time because I was leaving to the subway and no signal. By the time I got home, we were talking about other things already and I can tell he was busy because he wasn't replying much nor was his reply saying anything much. When he told me he was playing games, i got upset because I felt neglected and that i was bothering him since he wasn't replying much. I apologized cuz maybe on a normal day I wouldn't care as much, but yesterday I was generally upset so talking to him was something i looked forward to. He said I shouldn't be sorry and that I should have told him that i wanted to talk cuz he would have stopped if I needed to talk to him. Meanwhile I understand that if i had told him, he would stop and talk but I also know when he is in the middle of something, his mind is elsewhere. Whenever he skypes me while he is in the middle of something, he always seems like he is in a hurry and I would rather just let him go to do whatever he needs. I didn't wanna talk much longer and just told him I just wanna sleep it off. He told me that I should know I can talk to him whenever and that i'm not bothering him. Instead of saying goodnight in his usual way.. he acted rather cold and just said "nite"

    I still don't understand why i'm feeling upset. Maybe I'm used to him paying more attention to me and I don't wanna be all clingy sounding by asking him why isn't he talking (even tho he said he likes it cuz it shows him that i miss him?) I just don't know what to say to him exactly.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Haven't landed yet
    I honestly don't think things are going to get better.. U do seem a little clingy and there's really nothing wrong with that, but since u are, this is not the relationship for you. Can u find a guy that's closer?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I don't think I'm clingy, at least that's what he said and he would msg often whenever i'm not replying. I can understand how it might seem like i am since i'm complaining about him not talking to me. But I just wish he put the time to talk when I actually needed him. I don't need the constant talking but more of a quality time we can talk without him being distracted about other things. But i don't know if i am being unreasonable or if this is something that is important in a long distance relationship

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Sounds to me like you need a real life boyfriend. And he probably needs a real life girlfriend too.

    You're not getting your needs met and he's getting bored with the whole long distance thing. Totally normal outcome for a long distance relationship.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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