Right so after the time I've had with the girl in m life for the last few years (previous threads) I am no in no contact and starting to feel better about things, still think about her but seem to put it aside a lot easier. Been out quite a bit and enjoyed chatting to people etc etc.
Was out this weekend and a girl came over to talk to me at the bar (doesn't ever happen) and we started talking and she was very interested in me and had a good ten minute chat, wanted to have a drink etc, I took my drink back to a friend of mine and said see you in a minute etc and was planning to go back to carry on, she then came over and said she was going for a cig and when she came back would I like to have a drink etc so said yes. We were in the bar for a good 15 minutes and no show so I thought she must of moved on, so we finished our drinks and moved on ourselves. Found out last night that a friend who stayed said she came back looking for me with drink etc. So anyway really annoyed that I may have missed a big chance there. It has spurred me on to go out more and meet new people as I really want to do it. I wanted to ask her for her number but bought it a bit quick during the first conversation but obviously can't now. May bump into her again you never know, but now I'm thinking i may bump into someone else.
Wouldn't mind a few tips of when first chatting to people when out, I'm a very easy person to talk to but I do get a bit nervous talking to people I'don't know for the first time but this has made me realise I really want to get out and start meeting more new people