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Thread: How do i react to my boyfriend blowing me off?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    How do i react to my boyfriend blowing me off?

    We're long distance at the moment . He went out of town for 3 days on a trip with friends. He texted me every day saying he misses me and cant wait to go home and video call me to see me and talk on the phone finally.

    So he comes home, he messages me ''wanna skype?''. I saw it 15 minutes later. He was gone. He said he had to go buy groceries and stuff. I said ''Ok,ill wait for you to come home and talk''. Four hours later, he was still gone. Though he was online on his phone. Which i believed was coz he was at the cafe again(he goes out 24/7). I texted him im getting sleepy. He said ''ok babe,ill be home after im done with the supermarket and ill watch the football game''. That pissed me off.. And i snaped at him. I felt blown off,we havent talked properly in days and its long distance. So i come after the football game? Cant he call me for 1 lousy minute so i can see him and then go?? This isnt the first time he acts careless like this. He came home at around 11 at night.. After he ignored my messages first.. He does that a lot lately, goes online and ignores my messages.. And when we talk on the phone he just watches tv or plays games and doesnt pay attention to me.

    I talked to him about it, all i got was excuses(that he went to check the tires of his car and bs,it was freaking 11 at night..). And basically his attitude was like ''cant i watch a freaking game??I dont tell you what to do!Ill do whatever i want!''.. He didnt use to be like this.. He used to make me feel special always.. I just dont know if he is still as in love with me as he was. I mean Id go home to talk to him first instead of going out or watching tv, so it kinda hurt..

    What do you think is going on? Is he losing interest? What do i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    In my own experience with long distance relationships, it sounds like he's losing interest. There comes a time at the start of every relationship where both partners are fully invested. But sooner or later, the weight of being so far apart hits and you can do two things: A) Watch it crumble quickly while trying to over compensate for his neglect. B) Back up. And let him come to you. A man wants to chase. He doesn't like to be chased. It's awkward. And usually they slowly pull away. Another thing, a relationship is a two way street. Take some time and evaluate the situation at-hand, if it's just constantly you putting in and getting nothing out of it then why do you stay? I understand you don't want to just up and leave him but sometimes it's better that way. My suggestion: Find someone who's closer to you. LDR's are ALWAYS difficult to keep going and easy to start.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    LDR is always difficult...I was in one before..and it just didn't work..my boyfriend..like yours wasn't making time for me and was always drinking with the boys. I think you need to sit down and have a real heart to heart talk on whether this is what you both want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I just had a talk with him.. As usual, all i got was excuses. He says he hasnt lost interest. I told him i felt hurt by him not calling me first and choosing to watch the game. He said he wouldnt mind if i did that coz he gives me space and he needs space too. That hurt coz i see we re probably not feeling the same. I mean, we havent talked in days and he is like whatever.. I wouldnt be like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    My first question to you is, how long have you all been dating? If you have never dated a guy that loves sports, this is now a new lesson to learn. This is football season and men lose there minds during this time. And on top of that, men just don't think about us (women) as much as we thing about them. Although we would stop almost every other minute of the day to give our men updates about our whereabouts, but men don't think that way. The first thing you need to do is find out which teams he is rooting for, or if he just likes football in general. Next, you need to check the schedules of the games that are being played, college and NFL. College games are usually played all day Saturday. Then you have Sunday, Monday and Thursday night NFL football. The likelihood that he is missing in action during these days and times are high. If you know, the times which games are being played, you can time your calls before or after the game. Don't feel like he is being insensitive because he wants to watch a game, over talking to you. You both need to have other interests outside of the relationship. Give him an opportunity to miss you, and wonder why you have not called. And then when he does call, don't have an attitude. Be sincerely happy that he had a good time doing what he likes to do. Men do not like whiny clingy women. Interested men like women that have their own lives. If you do this and get busy doing things you enjoy, and if he is really interested, he will peruse you for more of your time, and will make certain he is where he is suppose to be, to see or talk to you. If you don't feel he is paying you attention, even after the game or whatever, then that is what it means, he is not interested or he is not mature enough to handle a relationship. And you can't change anybody, the only person you can change is yourself.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I posted a comment. Sorry I did not realize you were not in the US. My comments stay the same. If you haven't spoken with him for days, and you feel you all are not feeling the same. It may be time for you to move on. It will only hurt for a short-time. I promise you will meet someone who will value you and your time.

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