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Thread: My boyfriend is a bully

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    You made a mistake to be with this guy, that's ok everybody makes mistakes.
    But, you don't "talk" to these kind of people, you just leave them for good. And if they insist on bugging you, you put a bullet through their little brain until their eyes pop out.
    He has no consideration for you or your family whatsoever, there's no secret formula to cure this guy.
    Move on, you sound like a nice girl and deserve much better I'm sure.
    "E ao imenso e possível oceano
    Ensinam estas Quinas, que aqui vês,
    Que o mar com fim será grego ou romano:
    O mar sem fim é português."

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    complete and utter asshole.
    no man is perfect.. sometimes they need some sobering up. break up with his sorry ass, and do it ASAP. you'll find someone who appreciates you. TRUST ME.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Louisville KY.
    Jusr the sound of this post makes me sick.

    Not saying that the person that posted it was wrong. I just hate bullies.

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