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Thread: hi want to get back to this girl but i am really confused?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    hi want to get back to this girl but i am really confused?

    hi i had this girl in my class who i liked but i coudn't tell her about it because of my personal problems like low confidence and self esteem..i think she liked me too..but i coudn't muster up the courage to tell her..its been 1 year since i havent seen her ..but i miss her like hell..shes on my mind 24/7..i think i really love her..i have been kicking myself all this while for not expressing my feelings for her..i know i have acted like a loser but i really want to get back to her ..i will have to contact some people to get her number but i am scared to call her..would it be right to call her?.. how she would react if i call her?..would she talk to me or reject me?..but i am willing to go through this rejection for her..even if she talks to me for the first and the last time ..or maybe just as a friend i wud really be happy..i just want to call her and ask her about her life and what shes doing right now..just the general stuff like we ask when we chat with friends but i am really confused and scared on this what should i do?..please guys let me know what you think..that would be really helpful thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Contact her now!!!!! One time of let your pride level down a bit is not hurt as sitting there and wondering !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Surrey, BC
    Never ever tell her you are in love with her. You only do that when you are already been together in a relationship and things look promising. If you come right out and tell her she will drop you heard because it will be so awkward for her. She probably doesn't have the same feelings as you do. Obsessing over a girl is why you are scared of contacting her. You have put her so high up on a pedistal that you make her out of reach for you. She is just a girl my friend. If you like her, contact her, chat with her then ask her out on a date. If she says no then you won't have to waste anymore of your energy being " in love" with her.

  4. #4
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    You don't love her.
    You are obsessed/infatuated with her.

    Stop being a softy...Girls hate that shit man!
    A woman wants the complete polar opposite of someone like you...Sorry to say, but you already know that.

    You said you think she liked you too...
    So get her number, call her and see if you two hit it off. It's way different to talk to someone in a class than in real life dude.
    Besides, there is a reason why it's been one whole year: she isn't the one for you and what you thought you had is stuck in time while everyone else moved on to the present: except you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    i dont think they want the complete opposite.. you can be a good person and treat a woman right and still be successful in relationships.. what they DONT WANT is a PUSHOVER. you think your siutation is hard take a look at mine dude, than youll feel better! haha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    whats your situation dude?

  7. #7
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    It's creepy to call a whole bunch of people to get this chicks long lost nubmer. It's more creepy you haven't spoken to her in that long and hella creepy you think you love her.

    Don't call.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I'm with SelflessnHumble here - you don't love her. It seems you have projected a lot of hopes and dreams on this girl. In your mind/heart it may seem like she is your dream
    girl, but in reality, she is a reality-escape. You think that if you get with her, you will be SO happy and everything will be so wonderful. And that could even be the case - for
    a while...but you can't run away from yourself my friend - your personal issues will resurface again. So deal with whatever personal issues you need to deal with now
    - get your confidence up in whichever way you choose to do it; get yourself to a place where you are happy. At that point, your ability to attract girls, simply by being who you
    are, will increase hundredfolds. I wish you the best!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    thnxs a lot man

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    you mean i shouldnt contact her..i havent projected any dreams and hopes on her ...i just like her thats all there is to it..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    This post is just is just aggravating. You are asking us how she will react; if you should call her etc.. what the hell man -- no one knows how she is going to react. She may already be married for all you know its been a YEAR! Stop wasting anymore time, gain some self confidence and call her. How do you think relationships start? One person reaches out to the other person and eventually the two of them hang out. Maybe the first time you talk just talk to her...see how she reacts - if she is giving you 1 word answers -- she isn't interested. How are you? good -- not a good response. How are you? I've been doing well -- what about you? what have you been up to since class? -- good answer.

    There is absolutely no reason to tell her you like her outright (and yes you don't love this girl -- you are obsessed), she knows you like her -- otherwise why else would you go through all the steps to get her number? There frankly is never a reason to tell a girl flat out you like her. Think about it -- "I really like you" -- is usually followed by: "BUT...I have a boyfriend...or I am just confused...or I don't want to be in a relationship." VERY seldom do people say "I really like you...followed by anything good...and definitely not in response to a creepy move like flowers or something" -- It definitely should not come up in the first conversation. This is not a high school movie -- professing your love does not work. Please DO NOT make any grand gestures if she does agree to hang out with you...it will be bad; create some mystery, create some intrigue -- don't lay it all out on the table.

    Anyhow -- just make the call -- whats the worst that could happen? A) She doesn't answer B) she answers and says -- I don't remember you C) she answers. you chat and she says thanks for calling - bye.
    Last edited by BeingAlpha; 12-02-11 at 06:31 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Not of this Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by shashine View Post
    you mean i shouldnt contact her..i havent projected any dreams and hopes on her ...i just like her thats all there is to it..
    Um, how long has it been?
    She hasn't thought of you all that much. She knows your name: probably has the internet.
    If she wanted to: she'd have found you by now.

    Is your life so lonely that you can only focus on one girl who was "nice" to you a year ago who has moved on with her life
    and who did NOT ask you for your number prior to her moving away?

    She never liked you: she was a friend.
    People come and they go.... This is life.

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