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Thread: Confused Teen Boy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Confused Teen Boy

    This is a long story so make sure you got popcorns.*

    Girl A: Quiet, keeps to herself*
    Girl B: Social, friendly*

    So it was Junior year in High School, I walk into my classroom and both girls are there. I honestly, don't really note girl B instead my attention was at Girl A.*

    She was very cute, although my friends all thought otherwise. I just fell for her in first sight, cliche'd I know!*

    I loved having class with her and all. She even became a group partner at one point although we barley talked, as I said, she was very quiet... Never even spoke in class pretty much.

    Anyways a month and half or so later, she finds out because of a mutual friend, who kinda pointed her to something I wrote on FB.*

    Basically, she confronted me on chat and told me we were too different. I was heartbroken, took a long shower. I was really heartbroken, might have even cried. I seriously had dreams about her and have many poetry I wrote about her.*

    Then Girl B somehow enters my life. We were friends and I think I kinda fell for her? But she liked another and basically although I told her my feelings, she never accepted it and thought I'd hate her. The guy she likes, doesn't give her the attention back. They are like BFFs though.*

    I tried to win her heart by helping her with anything. I helped her with homework and projects, trying to come off as a real good guy. I am a nice guy to the core and love helping people.*

    Anyways, it's late summer and for some reason I can't stop thinking about then. But deep down, it's like I LOVE girl A but find Girl B really pleasing.*

    What should I do? Any advice or comments?

    Ask me questions if you have any because there is more to this obviously.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Stop being a wuss. Girls don't want a guy that is TOO nice to them and shows his sappy feelings for them....that shows weakness, they don't want that. You need to show no attention, be kool, be distant maybe cold.....that shows strength...girls are attracted to that. Don't give them attention unless they EARN it. You don't give anything for nothing ever. You saw for yourself a dude that ignores girl B that makes her want him bad. Follow his example and you will get girls.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    First off, you don't love girl A. You don't even really know her and you never went out with her. She isn't interested, so put her out of your mind and focus on others.

    As for girl B, it sounds like she likes someone else, right? There is no way you are going to "win" her heart by doing things for her. That will make her just want to use you for attention to make her feel good.

    It is not a bad thing if you are a good guy, but you have to have strength and belief in your yourself. Confidence is key. And don't be afraid. If you like someone, don't be afraid to tell them and ask them out. Don't write about it on facebook. Girls like guys who take the initiative and show interest in real life.

    Personally, though, I would say to stop thinking about girl A or B and take another look at the rest of the girls around you. There has to be some other girls you wouldn't mind beginning a romantic relationship with.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    London, England
    What should you do?


    Neither of them are interested in you, so why would you want to continue hitting your head against a brick wall?
    Last edited by maxmax; 19-08-11 at 03:58 AM. Reason: Typo
    -... --- --- -... .. . ...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I don't know why but it seems that I was using girl B as an excuse for Girl A. Even though I don't know Girl A that well, I just feel so weird around her. This might sound crazy but she's like amazing, I might not know her well enough but I've found snippets of information which just fuels me. Even though my friends say she's looks nothing special (all of them), I'd choose her over anyone in a heartbeat, even girl A... heck even a movie star like Megan Fox... I'm serious.

    It might be infatuation but it's been such a long time. Since September and to now, I gave up on her in the middle and kinda focused on Girl B but now, deep down I know that it was always Girl A.

    To complicate matters, my parents would kill me if I dated or even married someone from another cultural...

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