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Thread: Need your opinions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Need your opinions

    First off im moving on from this girl.

    I havent learned anything from this relationship at what i could have done differently. I need to figure out where i went wrong but i cant think of anything. (been trying to find something for 2 months now and nothing i can think of i did wrong)

    I dated her 2 years, we saw each other pretty much everyday. We went on so many interesting cool dates all the time. I was not clingy at all and was always the rock in the relationship. I never was jealous or controlling ( i learned all this from my previous relationship). She was head over heels for me until i had to go away for 3 months. I came to visit once every 2 weeks and sent her a few letters but noticed she got very distant the last month and said she wasnt in love with me anymore. I had saved every single ticket and memory of the 2 years and put it into a book with a writen memories and pictures for her b day. She didn;t even seem to care and all she had to say was thats cute.

    2 weeks of this and i decided it was time to end it. Her heart wasnt their anymore. I ended it and she quickly agreed. Now shes in bars partying constantly and has a lot of new prissy girlfriends ( fake blonde hair etc... not very intelligent people)

    Question is what happened? I'm a good looking guy, i have a good career on my way soon, and i treated her very well at the same time still being a man. I havent let her see me in pain or anything. its been 2 months since the breakup and i have gotten nothing but the odd "hey how are you" on facebook. I respond politely and thats all.

    Shes only 19 so shes still young... i wish i could have learned something from this maybe dont date young girls? ... i just dont get it what is her deal?
    Last edited by Bigboy77; 13-06-11 at 03:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy77 View Post
    I havent learned anything from this relationship at what i could have done differently. I need to figure out where i went wrong but i cant think of anything. (been trying to find something for 2 months now and nothing i can think of i did wrong)
    It's important to examine your behavior and try to pinpoint what you might have done wrong, but if it's been two months and you still haven't figured it out, then just move on. Sometimes there's nothing to figure out. Some people are just not compatible. It happens. That's it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    All i can think of that it may be is the fact that she knows im not huge on partying in bars too often. She just turned of age and started hanging out with all her old friends. Almost like she replaced me. Not really sure but, yes i am moving on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    The only thing I can think of is she wasn't actually in love love with you. I mean she loved you I'm sure, two years is a while. I know with your situation that's hard, and I'm sure there was something there at some point. Infatuation and desire seem to control people a lot of times, but if it's really love then it should be able to last even when you put that distance between you two for those three months. She probably tasted freedom without being completely commited to someone, and she is still young. She was probably ready to go out and explore a little, get to know a different part of the world. I don't think you really did much wrong judging from your story hun. I hope everything does work out though.

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