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Thread: I like a girl, but it's so confusing.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    I like a girl, but it's so confusing.

    Hope you ladies can help me out...

    I've known this co-worker of mine for about 3-4 months now. About 2 months ago, we started hanging out outside of work, like going to the gym together. We had a great time at the gym, where we pretty much didn't get any actual work-out done. She would text me and tried to find out how I felt about her, and I complimented her character. I guess from there, she knew that I was somewhat interested in her secretly, and she kept fishing it out of me. We acknowledged mutually that we're both interested in each other and that we should try dating. She warned me that I must take my time to get to know her and that she's "extremely complicated", and that she takes a long time to get emotionally attached/intimate. At the same time, she told me that she's not looking for a relationship. To me, taking my time to get to know her, and not looking for a relationship just seem to really contradict each other. I told her that I'm patient and we should try it out.

    A couple of months went by and we still see each other when we're not busy, whether it's to the gym or simply meeting up for a cup of coffee before work. We still have a great time and we both get each other's sense of humor, but I feel like we're heading towards the "just friends" route. I know that we're supposedly just "dating", but I don't want to wait too long for the initial attraction to wear off. I do things to let her know that I'm thinking about her, like making her stuff, and drawing her stuff(I can draw really well). I'm just really confused hoping someone can shed some light. With other girls that I've met, either we liked each other and started a relationship right away, or we don't. This girl just seems to confuse me.... I honestly don't know how she feels about me. Should I keep pursuing, or give up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Same story over here my friend. I always end up taking the "just friends" route so nothing can go wrong.
    Have you ever shown her any physical signs of attraction? Or has she?

    I had similar dates with a girl I like a lot. Every time she gave me indications of interest, and some very direct oneliners, I got nervous and blew the opportunity.
    Now we are a few months further and it seems that she has lost interest.

    I think women fall for a guy who takes his chances. If months have gone by, chances are that it is too late already (I think) and you are already friend zoned.
    Is it hard for you to step up to her and tell her how you feel about her?

    If you don't tell her, you'll never be lovers. If you do, she's probably gonna need some time to know where she's at.
    Am I correct if I think that fear is what stops you from asking her?

    I hope you don't end up wondering and torturing yourself like I do

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I agree with Jesus.
    It's time you take action, start with the little things like holding her hand.
    Make sure she knows she is still special to you.
    If she really likes you she will be waiting for it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Thanks you two for the reply...

    I honestly don't fear the rejection at all, it's actually more of a pride thing. Taking actions were actually part of my plans a few months ago, but my friend advised me against it. It's not hard for me to step up to her, but I just wanted the right timing and place for it. I'm thinking just taking her out to dinner and step it up and just tell her how I feel about her, but I don't want to pressure her into a relationship.

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