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Thread: How to deal with jealousy and the silent treatment? Please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    How to deal with jealousy and the silent treatment? Please help

    I'm a 22 year old woman, my boyfriend is 21. We've been together for coming
    up on 7 months, and are very close. For the first few months, everything
    was perfect—we never fought about anything. I’ll start by saying that he’s a
    very “adult” person, job since he was 15, head of his squad by 18 and the
    youngest in his region in the field. I’m very impressed and very proud!

    But starting in probably January, a lot of jealousy issues started coming to
    light. My friends are a very importane part of my life; they took me in and
    accepted me when nobody else would, and from then on we've all been a huge
    family that looks out for one another. But suddenly, my boyfriend started
    getting agitated when I would bring them up, and would insist that I cared more
    about them than I did for him, and that they were my priority and that he
    wasn't important to me. He kept bringing up how he didn't like that I would go
    party with them when I was at school (I'm not a big drinker or a big partier.
    He was always invited even if he was working) and made it sound like he thought
    that the second I got drunk, some guy (as for who, I'm not sure—the only people at
    these "parties" were my closest friends) would try to take advantage
    of me.

    I care very much for him and went through a lot to show him that he was
    important. He became jealous when I used pet-nicknames for my friends and said
    he just thought it was "weird” and not right (it’s also weird to invite my
    best friend of six years to stay the night at school, and then let her sleep in
    the bed with me instead of the rugless, linoleum floor), and that I should only
    have nicknames for him. I spend every second of my free time with him and we
    are texting back and forth CONSTANTLY. I'm very old fashioned and not a big fan
    of texting, but I do it because he says it makes him feel closer to me. He
    requires a lot of attention and I love him and so if that's what it takes to
    show him how important he is. I think it's ridiculously rude to text someone
    ELSE when you're talking to someone face to face and I made a point about that,
    because he made a huge deal about doesn't like feeling blown off and ignored.

    I changed a lot based on the things he said bothered him even if I didn't
    necessarily feel that I was doing anything wrong. I apologize for everything
    even if I feel like I shouldn't have to just to keep things on an even keel. He
    needs constant attention and if my attention is diverted to anything or anyone
    else, he gives me the silent treatment/cold shoulder. This KILLS me, I hate it.
    I would rather just be yelled at. I beg him to tell me what’s wrong and when he
    finally does (after many “it’s nothing/I’m fine/Nothings wrong”s), it always
    leads back to him not feeling convinced that I care about him and that I love
    him, or that he’s a priority for me, which he is.

    He pours over my facebook and I’ve even caught him going through my text
    messages a few times. I have given him no reason not to trust me. I can’t speak
    to anyone without him getting jealous. Even my own family =\ We’ve talked at
    length about his jealousy issues before and I have seen that he’s tried to get
    better with it, but there’s a long way to go. Anytime I bring up something like
    that that bothers me, somehow it gets twisted into being something that’s my
    fault and I have to apologize again. I get so overwhelmed and so upset with
    myself for screwing up that I just start crying and can’t stop, and then he
    gets nice with me and tells me to calm down and reassures me and holds me

    Recently, he wanted me to move in with him. I would love to move out of my
    parents’ house eventually, but after we started going through all the prices of
    furniture, I see that right now I don’t have the money to. He does, since he
    makes enough money at his job to support both of us but I want to help too, of
    course. Where he wants to move is 5 minutes from his job, which is great,
    however it’s also in the middle of nowhere and there are absolutely no
    opportunities for my field, unless I work freelance entirely which isn’t
    reliable. At the same time, I am dealing with pretty severe anxiety problems
    that have been going on for a while, but all the fighting has not helped. I
    acknowledge that I need help, and also told him that I thought I needed to see
    a doctor about it. He was angry because he thought that his love and support
    should be enough. As for moving, I told him I need to be able to take care of
    myself (which I haven’t been very good at, a lot of bad health problems in the
    past year that I just kind of…let go. Vitamin deficiencies, kidney stones, hair
    loss, etc) before I can help take care of the two of us and that I don’t have
    enough money. Well, a HUGE fight erupted =\ Boy did I never hear the end of it.
    He is very deadline driven—he startded demanding timeframes and dates, which he
    does for a lot of things (“When do you want to do this? How long does it take
    to plan a wedding? How long will it take you to write your book before we can do
    X Y and Z?”) and many things are very hard to GIVE those kinds of deadlines
    for. He wanted to know when I would feel financially stable enough to move,
    what my goal amount of money was for that and when I wanted to move. I tried to
    explain that it’s not all numbers; emotion has a LOT to do with it since it’s
    how I would feel. I tried to say that if I give him a number now, that number
    could change by next month. He wouldn’t let up, he asked a lot of questions
    that felt really overwhelming when I was already upset, and all I could do was
    say over and over that I was trying to do what was best and that I loved him,
    and I tried to stay strong but ended up in tears again.

    I have so much love for him but I feel that everything I say and do is just
    wrong. I don’t want to lose him, I really don’t. I know that I am a good
    person, a loving and caring person even if I’m not so good at taking care of
    myself sometimes. I just need to know how I can approach him about my feelings…
    I’ve tried so hard, in so many ways. I’ve been open and honest and mature,
    trying to settle things like adults and it’s always my fault. It makes me feel
    like a terrible person. I just want things to be like they used to be, without
    all the fighting, without crying and having all these feelings of
    self-loathing. I just don’t know how I should approach it anymore, everything I
    say is always wrong =\ What can I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    It's plain and simple....you both are not compatible. He wants a GF to be his whole world, and you are very independent. Of course his behaviour falls into the category of insecurity, which is why he uses mental abuse on you...blaming you for everything. I wouldn't tolerate this anymore for you can't change him without sending him to therapy......dump him.

    he is too immature for you.....he needs to grow up first and that could take years.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yeah. Dump him.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    If he's that jealous of every other person in your life I would think he's not ready for a healthy relationship yet. You sure can continue your relationship but you'll lose a few friends, maybe all. It's not worth it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I feel like I should confront him about the possessiveness before I call anything off. We scheduled a cruise for the 30th and I'm not too concerned about missing it—yeah I'd feel terrible about messing that up, but I'd like to at least give him a chance to know exactly what I'm feeling. I've read so many articles about love and dating now that say that these are all big RED FLAGS but he seems to think that the things he is asking for are all normal requests in a relationship and that he thinks any guy would ask for these things. He's already pissed at me again because I asked for a few hours of no texting so I could get some work done (I'm an editor... it's really hard to stop reading something to pick up a phone and return a text every 30 seconds). But what should I do? Should I write him a long message and maybe link him to one of the articles I read? I don't want to give up completely just yet... =\

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    If the wall goes up and it won't come down, walk away.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    If you want this to work out and be with him then he needs to understand what you are going through. If he loves you and cares about you then he must list and understand and change or else this isn't going to work because seems like his controlling everything and selfish about a lot of things. If you stay in a relationship like this, you probably will not be happy and you'll be stressing a lot and this isn't healthy for you when you still have to deal with other health issues.

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