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Thread: REALLY don't know what to do! (Might be a long one, PLEASE give me some help!!)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    West Midlands, England

    REALLY don't know what to do! (Might be a long one, PLEASE give me some help!!)

    My partner of nearly 4 years the other night has came home friday night absolutely OUT of it on cocaine. I am currently having a miscarriage (would have been our 3rd child) and I found him standing naked in the bath showering himself with a little razor blade and pathetic little scratches on his wrist. I thought something awful had happened at work. And it all came out that some dirty slag of an ex girlfriend had been at his mums house, he'd went there before work, decided to SKIP work, get high on coke with his 2 brothers and his mum and his sister there aswell. And he said this girl had told him she loved him and wished our children were his, and that he should be marrying her and not me. He told me she kissed him and rubbed up on him. Asked to speak somewhere more private, so they went in a CUPBOARD, then his mums ATTIC? And he came back all guilty and then told me he'd slept with her. I cried. And then he said he had just said that as a reaction to see if I'd leave him. But he was still majorly high at this moment so I honestly think he did. Then when the drugs started wearing off he was like, no I didn't and I don't remember I blanked it out. He's been on cocaine since before I met him and he was always lying about where he was and using massive ammounts of money and saying he owed it out and stuff. Im not even really bothered that he shagged this dirty little tramp (she is my uncles step daughter and I've known her a good while) but she has tried it on with ALL four of my brothers and they've turned her down, and now she's had my partner. Knowing full well we've got two children and are getting married in 3 weeks. He's been a crap boyfriend for most of the time we've been together.
    We got together valentines day 2008, I was pregnant by april 2008 we had our soon at 27 weeks I nearly died and so did our son and my partner just didn't even hardly come to the hospital, I basically did it by myself. Came home after 3 months he didn't even change a nappy or do a nightfeed. I was shattered and still really ill as I'd had a csection and lost half of my blood. We plodded on. He still did drugs and then caught pregnant with my 2nd, he swore blind he;d help and be there for me. He wasnt. I came out of hospital after a 2nd csection and he didn't even carry the toddler up the stairs for me, wouldn't even make a cup of tea. I was doing day and night feeds with a newborn, and caring for a toddler from day 3 after my csection. He's been violent before when I just discovered I was pregnant with our 2nd after a night out.
    I was extremely vulnerable when I met him and I honeslty didn't love him until after our first was born, but don't know whether it was for the kids or because of him?
    I honeslty don't know what to do! I've kicked him out of the house for time being but thats a bit awkward. His dad owns the house and I've kicked his son out. His dad loves me and has gone mental about what's he done, but still, you know?
    This has all happened 3 weeks before our wedding and it just feels like a slap in the face. To all the people who said he wasn't good enough for me and now this has happened.

    Im not sure what else to put as I've had a few glasses ;x

    Not sure what I should do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Maigraith View Post
    got two children and are getting married in 3 weeks. He's been a crap boyfriend for most of the time
    You deserve everthing you get because of your peanut sized brain.

    Come back when your sober...If thats possible?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Oh dear, well where do you start?

    Is that banjo's I hear playing in the background?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Wisconsin, USA
    Ummm...where to even start. Why again are you with this guy? If it is because he is the father of your children, well, be prepared to have your children's lives completely destroyed by this pathetic piece of shit. Your children are going to grow up with the exact same problems if you continue to expose them to this wonderful role model.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    West Midlands, England
    A few glasses isn't loads of vodka so I wasn't steaming. And what is a troll? I've kicked him out and that's that. Thanks x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29]Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url]

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