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Thread: Guys perspective, what do you think?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Guys perspective, what do you think?

    So yeah this is a long one.
    Ive known this guy for a few years as a regular customer in a bar. I was on friendly terms with both him and his girlfriend, until about a year and half ago when the two split. After a few months of not seeing him he began using the bar again, expressing that he liked me and had done for a while. I am a 24 year old woman with no real dating experience, whilst he is a 34 year old man with lets say an extensive relationship experience. He began to talk to me a lot over messages, asking me to meet and go out with him etc for just under a year. Our conversations would often last several hours and well into earl hours of the morning. After nearly 10 months of talking with the guy I realised that I perhaps liked more than just the attention and one night took him up on his offer for drinks in a local bar. Since January of this year we have been seeing each other and I "went all the way" with him for my first time (despite promising myself I would wait for marriage, hah!). We've had some lovely day trips together and I enjoy spending time with him. He definitely is not the type of man Id have imagined Id be with but I feel very comfortable with him.
    Now, I have a few queries. Recently we have spent a lot of time together and I imagine I'm just getting cold feet but there are things I just ant stop thinking about.

    Firstly I feel like he is way more serious than I am. I'm still at university and live at home but he constantly discusses us moving in with each other (he lives with his mum after splitting from the last girl). He also told me after only a few dates that he loved me. Is this concerning, or am I just being stupid? is this behaviour normal, is it due to his age? I'm by no means just in this for a casual relationship, and I do feel I have fallen in love with him, but sometimes I worry that he's a little too serious, or maybe he's saying what he thinks I want to hear. Or maybe I'm thinking too much?

    And on to my biggest concern (told you this was a long one!) After a particularly lovely weekend spent together I discussed the only previous man I had ever gotten close to and how I had found out that whilst he was declaring his love for me he was also doing the same with several other girls, which inevitably ended that "relationship". My boyfriend then said "You can go through my messages, I only ever spoke to you". At the time I declined the offer, sure that I knew he had probably been speaking to other girls whilst pursuing me but not really caring because, well why wouldn't he? He told me his facebook password and was confident that I would find nothing. Fast forward 2 or 3 days as I'm sat bored at home and I caved, I logged on. I was hoping for a bit of an ego boost (talking to his guy friends about me or whatever). What I actually found was that a "friend" I had been told not to worry about ever is actually someone he has slept with more than once previously, and the whole time he had spent pursuing me he was doing the same to her. The messages were different however, our conversations didn't constantly revolve around him telling me he'd like to have sex, in fact he rarely mentioned it, where as with the conversations between the two of them it was quite often the topic. What concerns me is that he would tell her he loved her and that he regretted the way their relationship turned out etc etc, even when she had mentioned she had a boyfriend! I know it shouldn't have upset me because again, why would he have devoted nearly a year trying to "chase" just one girl? What upset me was that a) he lied and b) I don't know if the things he said to her were true or if he just wanted sex from her or what. From what I gathered they did hook up (a lot later in the year than he told me he had) and he still speaks to her often. He has mentioned her to me and told me they have been friends for a long time, and they have many mutual friends, but I know this girl was an issue for his ex girlfriend. Should I be worried? I don't want to come across as a jealous snooping psycho girlfriend but I am worried I may have made a mistake in letting him in, just in case he really does love this girl and just uses other girls to pass the time while she's unavailable.

    Sorry for the long boring life story, but any advice or insights or anything would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Welcum to forum.

    10 months is sure enough to start trust the guy. But if he been chatting with other girl then you should tell him to chose you or her.
    L word is sure for messing with mind but so might be talking about moving in together. What he really done to back up his words? I say look at actions not words.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Thanks! We've been seeing each other for a few months now and because of family and work commitments and also the fact I suffer from anxiety it's not always easy for us to spend time together. Despite of this he waits up until late to come and pick me up and always makes sure we do something special or different. Hes very caring and understanding and super patient with me. But others have said the L word and discussing us living together is a red flag? Is it not possible that he fell in live with me a long time ago but was worried I'd never take him on? He's not exactly my type and we are opposite.
    Have I fallen in love too soon?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Its not a red flag by itself. But if theres another girl then you should worry wether or not you can trust this guy. He might be sure wanting to things work with you but why should he chat with other girl if he lives you? Or can he love two girls at the same time? I think if he really wants to move in with you then he should make it happen - find place etc. Play along say you want to move in with him aswell, then look what he does to make it happen. And if it happens and you live together then you have and rights not to let him chat with others girls and exes. Each relationship should have boundaries so tell him what yours are early on - like you dont like hin chatting with that other girl and so on.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Isn't this a double thread?
    If you think I am insulting you with my post or bashing you: You do not get the point.
    I am not here to insult or bash anyone. I offer up my free time to help. Take from my post what is useful to you.
    If you are angry about my post or myself, then please stop and think how that happened. Usually that is the way the brain responds if a critical belief system is challenged (its called cognitive dissonance). If you have trouble with it please answer in the thread. I will come back to you.

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