my relationship is a mess.

my fiancee and I have been together for a little under 2 years. we recently became engaged about 2 months ago. our entire relationship has had very high ups and very low downs.

right now it's been lowest ever.

my fiancee is pressured/stressed because my dad does not accept her. my mom was like this at first, but has come around. whenever we get together, my dad does not talk to my fiancee nor does he really greet her. sometimes he'll just disappear from whatever room my fiancee happens to occupy. everyone can feel the "tension" in the air.

my fiancee is very uncomfortable and feels like she is under a microscope the entire time. she hates the feeling of being unaccepted and loved since she has experienced this same exact thing her entire life with her own parents, relatives, and other relationships.

she also has anger management issues. has a very low threshold, get's easily upset when things are out her control or doesn't go her way, etc. if she's mad/upset, she'll say whatever she wants and do whatever she wants. her behavior has a lot to with her child hood and growing up (her unloving parents, relatives, etc) and feeling lonely/abandoned. so she can be very unstable at times. i really would like her to take anger management classes.

the 2 most recent events that have me thinking this relationship cannot be salvaged:

1) fiancee invited my parents to dinner. my dad did not show up, but my mom did. before my mom arrived, we got into an argument and my fiancee stormed out and said she'd be back in a couple hours. my mom was very unhappy the fact that my fiancee invited her for dinner and wasn't even there to greet her and the fact that she just left me and our 7 month old child because she was upset/angry.

i fell asleep and woke up to the cries of our child. i realized my fiancee did not come back home. as i was preparing to feed the baby, my fiancee strolls in at 8 AM. i find out later that she supposedly drove herself to Atlantic City "for air" and gamble a bit.

2) just yesterday, my fiancee tells me she is going to have dinner with a friend after work, go shopping, and hang out with friends for a couple hours. i said fine and expected her to come back around 12. i wake up at 2:30 and see she is not there. i text, no response. i call, she finally answers. i ask her when she's coming back and could tell by the way she was talking something was up. she keeps saying we gotta talk when she gets back. i ask her where she's at and she says she's sitting in her car in a parking lot. then i ask her if she's with someone and she reluctantly says yes, she is with another guy in the car.

when she got back home, i find out from her that when she went to hang out with friends, she also went to spend time with this guy. she said nothing happened, all they did was talk and she got a lot shit off her chest about our relationship. then she said that she wanted to start seeing other people. i can respect her decision to do so, but would have felt better if she broke up with me first before deciding to see this guy.

i felt like it was a major breach of trust on both incidents above, especially the 2nd. she said nothing happened in both incidents, so she doesn't feel like she did anything wrong. i felt that the fact she started seeing someone while we were still together was wrong and could very well be considered cheating. she is just very unhappy with our relationship and now seems to really want out.

should i cut my losses and leave her? or make attempts to fix things?