(( this is a very nice read ))

Things she loves but won’t tell you

Hit a s*xual slump? Don’t worry, it happens. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, per se; it just means that you probably need to work on spicing things up in your bedroom.
Most women need more than a ‘wham-bam-thankyou-maam’ approach to s*x.
They need excitement, passion, heat, and kink? Some women, however, may be unsure how to approach the subject, simply because nice girls aren’t supposed to like whips and chains. But you’d be surprised how many of them actually do!
Next time the two of you are lying in bed and you’re contemplating whether or not to fake a headache, try asking her if she might like
something different. Here are some kinky things your girl might be fantasising about, but is probably too shy to tell you.

Tough love

Is she a control freak? Then maybe she’d like to try a little S&M. This is the practice by which you become submissive and let her boss you around with a few props, such as whips and handcuffs. You may wonder, ‘What’s in it for me?’ Well, you get to help her live out a lifelong fantasy, and you make her feel happy and secure in your relationship in the process. Plus, you get to see her in a hot leather outfit.

Gadgets and gizmos

s*x toys are a fun and exciting way to put some heat back in the bedroom. You can take baby steps and begin with heated and flavoured massage oils. Once you’re both feeling a little more adventurous, you can use the toys on her, let her use them on you, take turns, or find a way to use them on each other at the same time.

Be experimental

Some couples are yet to venture into unknown territories, and some women might be a little too shy when it comes to suggesting it. Movies and internet are a good way to find out about things you have never even thought of. They can spice up your life.

Curtain call

If you dabbled in theatre in high school, you now have the chance to star in your own show. Role-playing might be on her must try list of kinky fantasies. Map out interesting scenarios or pick real-life sexy couples to model yourselves after, then grab some fun costumes and let your imaginations guide you. You might feel a little silly at first, but after a few rehearsals, you’ll probably start to like it.

Shall we dance?

It’s no secret that most guys would love to see their significant other do a private sexy dance for them. And by the way, why not surprise her with a sexy little dance of your own? Throw on one of her favourite songs, and just go for it! Feel free to do a little practice dance in front of the mirror when you’re alone. And don’t worry about making a fool of yourself — she’s likely to be so touched that you went through the trouble that she won’t even notice your two left feet. Perhaps, you might not expect, but she will enjoy this small dance session more than anything else.