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Thread: So I met this Girl. . .Please Read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    So I met this Girl. . .Please Read

    I am new at this and not very good. . .

    So i was at the fair this past weekend with some friends, and we got approached by an old female friend, who was with a couple of her friends...Well right when they came up one of her friends caught my eye, we all got to talking and having a good time. Well the girl that caught my eye and i end up walking to the facilities together, and after that we just kind of hit it off. So i get her number.

    So we have talked through text ever since. Monday came around and she invited me to the bowling alley and it turns out even a couple of my friends were going to be there. So we bowled and just had a good relaxing time. I end up driving her home b/c she came in one of her friends cars and that is when we really start talking and probably the best part of the night. I get to her place, and she ends up making the move and kissing me. Which i think is awesome.

    Well i still really dont know this girl well, and the best part of the whole night was the drive home when it was just her and i. Now i am the respectful type, i was raised by a mom and sister so they really made sure i wasnt going to grow up disrespecting girls. But i also dont think i am very interesting and think to far into things a lot.

    Anyway, she does not like typical dates where it would be going out to dinner and such. So the only thing i can think of is maybe a walk by the lake. And she hangs out with her friends a whole lot. I want to get her alone and hang out with her just the 2 of us again, but dont think i am doing a very good job of keeping her interested. I havent had a girl catch my eye like this in years so please if anyone has any advice i would be happy to hear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Denver, Colorado
    Have you tried to speak with her on the subject of "you two" or even just asked if you could get a one on one get together going?
    I have never been in a relationship or never been kissed but i have a good group of female friends, and they all respond well to honesty. you mentioned that she doesn't like traditional dates, so i guess you got an idea even a general idea of what she likes to do? try to find an activity or just a situation you both will be comfortable in. that's my opinion.

    relationships don't need to be rushed, just be yourself and be confident in yourself. we all have it in us. ^.^ i have faith you'll find your way.
    Last edited by XPRabbit; 21-08-08 at 02:46 AM.

    Sometimes love seems like a one way street, but when you decide to travel it, you will be surprised where it could lead you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DavidDoodle View Post
    But i also dont think i am very interesting and think to far into things a lot.
    Dude... tell me about it.

    But don't worry. it's obvious then, that this girl likes you, shes comfortable enough to get into your car and have you give her a ride home, with a kiss as well!

    Perhaps then before you can entice her on to more "traditional" dates, you can try and go out with her, in a group of friends, like bowling or whatever, and try and talk to her more then, to get an idea of what she might like to do.

    I think its probably best not to try too hard at first, don;t want to scare her off or anything do we! but the next few times that you guys are alone, even if its just for a few moments, try and let it slip how you feel about her, and see what she thinks too.

    good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Lucky for you to have that girl in a single place.This is your lucky day and of course show her some respect.
    She might be have a test whether you are just one of those man that eats quickly.
    Be different of them she might be the one that you are looking for..
    Good Luck!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Why would I tell you?
    Sounds to me like you should ask her to see a movie or something. But from her dating preferences I don't think she likes those soppy things. Take her to see "The Mummy" dragon emperor thing. Or Hancock or something like that, with some action.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Take her indoor skydiving if you have one of the places near you haha. Go pick her up, grab some coffee or go for a walk in the park. Go sightseeing together or play mini golf if you want more unconventional first dates. There are many things to do if you take a minute to think about it. Stop only texting her. Pick up the phone and actually call the girl. You can't really tell emotion through text.

    If you think you are not interesting then she might feel that bad vibe come off of you. She is already interested in you obviously. So don't worry about that stuff and make things awkward by thinking so. Be yourself and don't think about it. You already got the girls attention, all you gotta do is keep it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    New York
    Stop only texting her. Pick up the phone and actually call the girl. You can't really tell emotion through text.
    This comment is spot-on. Texting is a terrible way to gauge how someone is feeling.

    If you think you are not interesting then she might feel that bad vibe come off of you. She is already interested in you obviously. So don't worry about that stuff and make things awkward by thinking so. Be yourself and don't think about it. You already got the girls attention, all you gotta do is keep it.
    I also agree with this. Don't sweat it too much, especially since she likes you already.

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