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Thread: Feel it slipping away

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Feel it slipping away


    So 2 years ago I met a girl through a similar forum who took some time to cheer me up after a break-up. I really liked her and we got talking properly. She had a boyfriend of 2 years though so I remained friends.
    In August she had an affair with another guy, including several sexual encounters which she claims was the result of a nervous breakdown - which effectively marked the end of her current now 4-year relationship. She didn't tell her boyfriend but she stopped seeing the other guy.
    I returned her original favour by providing support for her while she was messed up in the head.
    Through this, we discovered that we were actually very alike and in fact were very compatible. At the end of September she broke up with her boyfriend and decided to be single.
    However, through October we got closer still and eventually realised that we were in love with each other. We started seeing each other properly and everything was really great.
    We have been together since and I have been the happiest I've ever been in my life. I spent christmas at hers (we live 160 miles apart, but I go and see her once or twice a week for a couple of days) and again, everything was brilliant.

    However, New Years was different. She seemed distant and quite angry a lot of the time. I spent Weds-Sat with her, and left on Saturday morning. That night I went to see some friends as I didn't see them on New Years Eve. While I was there she texted me a lot and got quite angry that I was with my friends rather than being on my own. When I got home she effectively argued with me that I couldn't be bothered with her (despite me having seen her for 4 days in a row).
    The next morning she was really upset, and claimed that she was on the verge of another nervous breakdown, only this time she had no idea why. She told me that as I was with my friends she instead talked to her best friend...and the guy she had an affair with a few months ago. I was heartbroken. She said he was really helpful to her which was even worse.
    She's been very odd since, barely talking to me and getting really down all the time.
    We frequently have phone sex, and did so last night. She told me that she had played with herself the night before. I'm now worried that she had phone sex with this other guy.
    She recently came off the pill as it was messing with her periods and hormones - and she claims it's made her ultra-horny. I'm worried that she's gonna go to this guy for sex.
    This morning she's not even talking to me. She hasn't told me she loves me in a while now.

    I'm really worried about what I can do. I think she might have depression which is causing her to be so down, but I don't want to lose her. I really do love her with all my heart and I am so worried I'm going to lose my soulmate.

    I know that the situation about how we got together wasn't ideal - but that's whats happened. Does anyone have any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    She sounds a little unstable and confused. Probably not able of keeping ANY type of commitment. The depression probably makes it worst. You might want to encourage her to seek some help.

    If I were you, it seems she's thrown up A LOT of warning signs. I might consider ending it because she seems VERY prone to cheat on you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I have suggested it to her and I think she might finally be coming round to the idea of it. I hope she's gonna follow through with this though.

    Anyway tonight she has been much, much better. We have had a proper conversation, and she is her normal affectionate self once again. I'm not sure how long this will last, though, so I am treading carefully at the moment as a precautionary measure.

    Thanks for replying - I really don't want to consider leaving her on the whim that she might cheat though. The thought of throwing something so precious to me away on a hunch is much worse (at least in theory) than losing her for definate for a reason.

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