I got dumped over the phone after a 3 year+ relationship.
As a brief side note, I go through three phases of emotions regarding this break up and they are (ordered in number of occurrence): 1. Sadness/Regret 2. Anger and 3. No Emotion (the most relaxing one..
I consider those three phases normal, so the following is the odd situation:
OK I get dumped and later that night I call a girl who is in our "group" of friends (2 guys, 8 girls). She three ways with my best guy friend and they arrange a get together for my benefit at her house the following day
I went and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. However, this is where the oddness comes in. . .
I was laying on her couch and see suddenly sits down beside me and softly strokes my head until I sleep. I fell asleep so fast it was ridiculous.
I enjoyed every minute I was there with her that day. The next day I called her and loved talking to her (more than I did when I was with my now ex girl).
The issue is: is this the buds of a potential new relationship? If so, would this be acceptable since the group of friends are pretty tightly bound?
Any advice is encouraged and appreciated