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Thread: Need help with ex girlfriend!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Need help with ex girlfriend!

    Hey guys, need some advice!

    Im 22 and have been was going out with my ex for 2 years. We met in college and were together every since. We were so in love, everything perfect. However, me being the insecure stupid boyfriend decided than in January we break up. It broke her heart, she had no idea. I just came over and broke up. The reasons I gave were tame. I thought we needed to concentrate on final year college etc. Really I was just insecure about me just being her "first love" and that I could of been any guy that came along at the right time.

    Anyway, so we still saw alot of eachother, still talked everyday. We still kissed and stayed together the odd time. I know she loves me, Im not asking that. Heres the thing:

    In early June, after college we didnt see much of eachother. We still talked everyday and she told me she loved me everyday. However she started to seem more and more distant to me. Her sudden change in behaviour drove me to act more and more desperate.( I know this is wrong to do!).

    Anyway in early July we met up and had a nice dinner and slept together that night. In the morning she was crying, saying how much she loves me etc.

    Now its important to understand my ex. I was her first love, boyfriend, sexual partner. She comes from an old fashioned background and I know she would never sleep with another guy right now.

    I met her last week and things were great. Then one of her friends told me she had been seeing another guy for a couple of months. I had always asked her if she had been seeing anyone. She always said no. I confronted her and she confirmed that she had kissed this guy. when I said I knew it had been going on for months, her story changed and she told me that she had met him several times, kissed him only 4 times and that it was never anyting more than a kiss. I know she likes this guy as she used to see him before she met me. He's alot older than me and her. He's 29 to her 21.

    I got so angry and upset and just felt like everything we had done and said over the last few months were all lies. I dont know if I believe her that it was just a kiss. does it matter???

    She has spent the last few days crying. She said that she likes this guy but it has only highlighted how much she loves me. She says she will end it with him and that she is so sorry for hurting me. I know its strange because we are broken up, she is fine to do as she chooses. The thing is we love eachother and we both have talked about how we want to end up together.

    What do I do? How do I react? I dont want to make her feel terrible but dont want to be a push over either. Should we just cut contact and move on? was my fears about being just a guy at the right time ring true? Do i believe her that she only kissed this guy?!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You should either commit to wanting her back or leave her alone. Right now, you're acting like she's still your girlfriend and you still enjoy all of the privileges that come with that (like not keeping things from you that aren't, technically, really your business).

    You want to have your cake and eat it too. Look, you broke up with her, broke her heart and now here you are again, messing her around. You have no right to be mad.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I agree with you. I have committed to wanting her back. She is th eone saying she needs time because if we get back together then its a huge committment.

    I think I have a right to be angry, because we have still been very close. Still meeting up, kissing etc and she never told me bout this guy?? have a right there to be angry?

    Also do you think she may of needed to be with someone else for awhile, a guy she likes to know wheter or not im right for her??

    Thanks for the advice.

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