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Thread: Friend Zone issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Friend Zone issues

    Hey guys let me give you all some background: I am 16 years old and in highschool, as well as everyone else in the story (We all know each other and are in the same school).

    I recently became close friends with the girl (Sara) in this community college class we are both taking over the summer. I'm starting to realize I really like this girl. Our personalities go so well together, she's really cute and we can text for 24/7 and not get bored! The only problem is, she has a boyfriend (Jack). I know Jack too and while we're not best buds, we are friends. Jack has been away with his family on vacation for a couple weeks and hasn't once talked to Sara. Sara really trusts me and has been telling me all her problems with Jack.

    Problem 1: Sara has started going to parties and trying things like alcohol/weed (partly due to my influence, but I in no way peer pressured her. All of the girls in her friend group are starting to do this kind of stuff too as well as many other kids our age) and this is making Jack mad. Jack parties occasionally as well, but he doesn't want Sara to do it at all. This makes Sara very mad (obviously).

    Problem 2: Jack hasn't hung out with Sara in over 2 weeks even though Sara keeps calling him and texting him. He doesn't respond to her calls and occasionally responds to her AIM messages. This is making Sara mad and instead shes just been talking to me.

    Problem 3: Now this is a problem Sara does NOT know about. On the last day of school Jack told another girl (Jessica) that he liked her and didn't want to be with Sara anymore. Jessica has a boyfriend, who just so happens to be my best friend (Cameron). Jessica promised Jack she wouldn't tell anybody but she had to tell her boyfriend. I told Cameron my problem with Jack and Sara and then he explained Jack actually wants Jessica, not Sara anymore. That is why I know Jack wants Jessica.

    Jessica and Sara are in the same friend group, but Jessica would feel bad for Jack if she told Sara how Jack felt, so instead she drops subtle hints. And just last night Sara texted me explaining that with all her problems with Jack, they both decided to be BF/GF without the title (whatever that means). I asked her what she means and she told me that Jack doesn't have enough time to commit to the relationship so its more casual, but they'll still have sexual relations. She thinks that he still cares for her (YEAH RIGHT!). Before this when Sara was worried Jack was gonna break up with her, she told me she still cares for him, but doesn't want to become his sex-buddy. Clearly that is just what she became!

    My problem: How do I explain this to her without her hating me? Cameron made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone that Jack likes Jessica and not Sara. Also, if anyone has any tips on moving from the Friend Zone I am currently stuck in, it would help.

    Info about Me and Sara: Me and Sara are really close right now in the 3 weeks we have so far spent together (5 more weeks to come). We flirt a decent amount, but she always gets really creeped out when guys that aren't Jack try to flirt with her, so I think that's a nice step. We also started hanging out just the two of us. We went on a hike this morning and we're gonna do more stuff like that.

    I know some of you are going to give me crap for breaking this couple up (if you can even call it a couple now) but I know I'm doing the right thing. Sara really likes Jack right now, but Jack is just completely using her. I know if I get Sara, I'll treat her right like she deserves!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Los Angeles, U.S.A
    First off, I can't believe I took the time to read all this stuff! lol

    Well dude, your in a mess that can break the entire friend zone clique you guys have going on. But you know what? Wanna bet that your not the only guy in that kind of situation? I don't know what grade your in, but once you guys hit college, this friend clique will break into different groups. You can wait for that, but by the time that happens Sara might already be brainwash by Jack.

    And how is it possible that Cameron doesn't want anyone to know that Jack likes his GF???? That is almost the same thing if Cameron knew that his GF Jessica sneak out with Jack but Cameron doesn't want anyone to know about that too. This is how you know that No One will stand up and state the truth. Without this, your pretty much screwed.

    So, what do you do now when Cameron can't help you as your only witness to let Sara know that Jack is being "jacked up"? Your afraid that Sara might think your just trying to break them apart. But to be honest with you, I think Sara likes Jack no matter what. She sounds shady to me, dude. And when people sound shady, you have to be shady too.

    If it sounds like I'm telling you to break them apart....we'll I am cuz this is the nature of high school kids and only Cameron and you and maybe Jessica can shed the truth and between all you guys....you guys can expose this piece of crap Jack.
    To be or not to be?

    Is that the question?

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