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Thread: Is he ignoring me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Is he ignoring me?

    I met this guy online since late November of last year. At first I wasn't very interested in him, but after when we started talking on AIM I thought he was pretty alright. He asked me out on 1/1/11 but I told him I was still in a relationship with my ex and I was about to break up with him. I had created an online dating site account because I was being fed up with my ex and his arrogance, so that is why I decided to try online dating since my friends were talking about it.

    Last saturday, after we ate and watch a movie with his friends, we made out like always and he suddenly popped the question again and asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't know how to respond; adrenaline was increasing well just exaggerating, but I really didn't expect him to suddenly popped that question. I am very shy and quiet, so getting a response from me will be hard and takes me a long time to think about since I'm not very expressive.

    After going out with him for 2 months, I also went out with this guy I met at a club last year who became my friend afterwards. He been trying to get with me since last year at the club but I kindly rejected him because my ex asked me out first. We went out to eat and hit the malls and last week we went bowling. I told my date that and I kind of regret telling him because he seem jealous and ignore me a bit. He also went out with this other Thai girl and got this girls number from the club and even chatted with her.

    My insecurities lies here. First of all, he deletes people he met less than 1 or 2 months once he feels he is not interested/ignores them. I am afraid I will be in that category after we make it official boyfriend and girlfriend. He might blocked me after a couple months. Second of all, either he lied or he playing around. He told me he went out with other girls, then later on he says he lied about chatting/going out with them because he was just wanted to know if I was chatting with other guys. Because you know if he says he is going out with other girls, then I wouldn't mind telling him I been chatting with other guys. Then he says he did go out with other girls. Btw, he has very bad memory. He does seem pretty honest and tells me a lot of things, but after that I don't know.

    But that's not the problem, I don't mind that he is going out with other girls as much since we left our relationship open. The problem is after he told me to be his girlfriend on saturday. he seems to be ignoring me now. It's like a one word answer and I can't take it. This is why I dislike chatting on AIM nowadays. It's either they ignore you or give you a one word answer and never respond after that. i don't want him to ignore me, so how do I get him to respond to me. Should I tell him what's on my mind? I been thinking about this the whole day and couldn't focus in class and on my homework.

    I am only a girl and I don't want guys to take advantage of me.
    Last edited by iamminzy; 02-03-11 at 01:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thank you for your response, I know guys just want xxx. That I am worried about too, but I'm not crazy about him because I still have my doubts, but he is 28 years old right now and have also thought about getting married and having kids. He is pretty honest guy, but I don't know why he suddenly ignore me when I tried to talk to him on AIM. Anyways, he aimed me and aimed me back, and I don't know if was because his ex was talking to him early and she said she put him through hell and all, but I hope he won't ignore me again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Seems to me he is not very happy about you not responding his request to be his girlfriend.
    I wouldn't waste my time on someone who isn't excited to be my girlfriend.

    Quote Originally Posted by iamminzy View Post
    First of all, he deletes people he met less than 1 or 2 months once he feels he is not interested/ignores them. I am afraid I will be in that category after we make it official boyfriend and girlfriend. He might blocked me after a couple months.
    That doesn't make much sense for me. I find that it is much more likely that you end up on that category if you aren't his girlfriend. Also, are you sure that he is deleting people he isn't interested in rather than people who don't seem to be interested in him?

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