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Thread: Does this make any since?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Does this make any since?

    For years, people have called me shallow and conceited because I do not find myself attracted to heavier women. The way I see it, everyone is a person despite their size, religion, looks, race and any other reason people use to discriminate against others. Unfortunately it is very much true that people live in different levels of class. Some people feel they can never achieve anything in their lives and settle where they are at, others fight to make something of themselves. To me, that is the goal of life. But more to the point, I am not a very big guy myself. Most of my life I was considered skinny, a dork, weak. I am working on changing that, not for anyone else but myself.

    My goal is to be in the best shape that I can possibly be in. Working out, going to the gym shows a since of pride in staying in shape. It is true that it is hard to reach any goal, but what is the point in trying when something is handed to you on a silver platter? Keeping in mind that there are medical conditions that cause people to be heavy or well under a healthy weight, is it not worth the effort to try and make a change for yourself to be in a healthier place. Along with complications causing someone to be under or over the healthy weight for their height, gender and age comes complications for being under or over that weight.

    Being under weight can take it's toll on your body due to being malnourished such as developing osteoporosis, a weakened immune system and anemia. In women, being well underweight can cause infertility problems. Also, if a female over exercises or starves herself, the menstruation cycle may stop temporarily (amenorrhea). As you get older you can have other complications such as the weakening of muscles, poor memory and hypothermia. Those are just to name the few I currently know of.

    Being overweight you can develop issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, higher risk for a stroke, abnormal blood fats which is basically bad cholesterol. That means higher risk of heart complications. Osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, cancer, gallstones, weak pelvic muscles and physical discomfort. Physical discomfort would be pain due to overcrowding of your organs as fat accumulates, difficulty breathing, walking or sitting. Being overweight before pregnancy can lead to complications with the baby such pressure on the uterus as the baby grows which in turn can put more strain on the organs of the mother. In effect this could possibly cause early delivery, maybe even a still born baby and other complications during pregnancy and delivery.

    To sum this all up, I am not looking for some super thin, almost skin and bones woman. I just want someone who is healthy, plain and simple. Someone that I can grow old with, well into having grey hair. Not that anyone really wants to have grey hair but I am sure you get what I mean. If you still want to judge me, call me superficial or shallow that is your prerogative. Personally it will not bother me what you think. I just hope this helps people understand better where I am coming from. Thank you for reading.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    That all makes sense, yes. Why do you feel the need to justify yourself to the forum though? It sounds like you're guilty. You say you work out at the gym and stuff, meet a girl there. Stop wasting your time by whining on here about how people call you shallow because you don't like overweight girls. Find a girlfriend and then your excuse can be: well, I already have a girlfriend.
    Basically, stop using medical excuses. It makes you sound whiny and annoying. Everyone is gonna like who they like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Oh no this is something I wrote a while back. I have a hard time talking to girls to begin with but when I am at the gym, I am there to work out and not to flirt with girls like a lot of the other guys do. Only reason I posted it here was to get other opinions. Some of my friends still think that despite my reasoning, I am still shallow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Stop reasoning to them is all I'm saying. Just shrug it off. If you don't react and argue, I think it'll lose its fun. (I hope they are just teasing you. If not, get new friends)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Yea, well that is part of the reason why I do not hang out with many of the people I know anymore. That and most of the people I know want to do nothing but smoke and drink. Which I have come to find that many of the women in my area like to go clubbing every weekend and that is just not me. I like doing more interesting activities that do not involved getting trashed all the time.

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