I have this girl we are really close as friends she is extremly nice shes not the cute s girl ever but i think she is s beautiful just cause of her personality. She has a one in a million atittude i always find my self thinking about her everytime she wants to hang out im there if she has boyfriend prblems i listen giver her my advice. I really think i love this girl she would always stay in contact with me when i was in iraq. Look i told her the other day that i like her n i couldnt lie to my self anymore . She told me she doesnt like me that and thats why she doesnt really like hanging out sometimes cause she think i am hopin for a relationship. Maybe i just leave her alone n just keep as a friend but i really love this girl i was wondering if u can tell me if she just scared to try it out or just should i give up we been friends for 3 years always textig each other please help