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Thread: Is there anything to this work situation?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Is there anything to this work situation?

    Hey guys, I could really use some advice here. I'll try and summarize:

    So at the beginning of the year I was at a work party. This cute guy from another floor approached me and chatted me up for awhile. I went back to my friends and at the end of the night he asked me to come with him & friends to keep the party going. I declined due to the late hour. Ever since then we've been talking through work emails (I initiated with a joke), so like 6-7 months now.

    We chat at least 3 days a week, about various things and it's nice. We have good conversation, nothing deep just weekend plans, work, travel, etc. We are both single but never talk about other guys/girls, nor do we ever make plans to meet up outside work. It's like a weird pen-pal thing and I hate that it's not going anywhere but I do like talking to him. It's a company and we have no reason to interact. Different floors, different departments and clients so without the email and work functions, we'd be unlikely to bump into each other. This means I can't read body language or pop-up at his desk. We are friends on FB so I kind of know what he's up to and he's definitely single and I know he's going out with friends and meeting chicks. Not in denial about that.

    Last week there was another work party and he reached out to me and we spent most of the night hanging out. Again, I went back to my friends and he came and danced with at the end of the night. Very touchy, but I don't want to read into anything.
    We all ended up at an afterhours club and a few of the guys (including him) could not get in because the bouncers were being insane. The group had to go get coffee and then they could come in. I was waiting outside and he showed up. Kept asking me why I was outside and I didn't want to say for him so just made an excuse about the phone. When they still couldn't get in, we ended up splitting up and I went into the club and he left with his friends.

    I'm leaving the company and I just want to know if I should go for it or take the hint since a date hasn't been offered, it's probably not there? Is there any reason a guy would spend 6 months chatting like this or is it just to pass the time at work?

    Whew, wordy! Sorry but if anyone has any ideas, advice, something it would be greatly appreciated to get a new perspective.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    London, England
    Well, instead of waiting for him to ask ... YOU ask him.

    Maybe it was to pass the time at work, maybe it's because he actually likes you.

    If you're leaving the company anyhow, what have you got to lose?
    -... --- --- -... .. . ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Wisconsin, USA
    [I agree, just ask him out.

    From your post, it looked like, at first glance, that he was interested, but I find it extremely odd that he hasn't made ANY move in 6 months. That might be a red flag. Maybe he is shy, but even if, 6 months is ridonkulous. Even so, just ask him out for drinks after work or something. Maybe you can pick up on some body language or other clues.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Yeah, I mean some guy just made a good point that maybe I'm reading into the whole thing and this guy is completely unaware. I just assumed if a girl was chatting to you for months, it would be a bit obvious that she's interested. Today we just talked about weekend plans and we like the same things and might be going to the same event, but again he just asked if I was going, not if I wanted to go with him. Arg!

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