Ok I have been with this girl for 3months and she is awesome,all around my best friend and girl friend.but my problem is that she is a virgin till marriage which I am ok with and respect,while I am not a virgin and have had sex a hundfull of times before her.we are both in college and young,but my problem is when it comes to us messing around in the bedroom it always falls on my doing sexual acts to her oral or w.e then after I am done with pleasuring her,she just rolls over and falls asleep and ignores my sexual like need. And it deffinitally makes me very mad and frustrated that she would be selfish like that but there really is no possible way for me to bringing it up as a problem with out seeming like the typical guy and all I care about is sex. But this problem makes me really question some parts of our relationship if she's that selfish and only conveyed about herself in the bedroom since sex is a portion of a relationship.any advice on how I could handle this problem? Please!!!