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Thread: girl is confusing me, a lot!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    girl is confusing me, a lot!

    So I've been working with this girl for about 2 months, and I had only viewed her as a random coworker until recently. To put things into perspective, we work in the same room very close to each other, so we interact a lot and every day.

    About three weeks ago is when I started liking her more and more, slowly but surely, so much that I'm having a hard time getting her off of my mind...and it's pissing me off because I don't usually go for girls her type!

    To make things short, she's the type of girl that has a lot of guy friends although not exclusively. She can talk about guy things
    and not worry about it. The intriguing part is that she is still very feminine in her manners.

    Anyway, I think but I'm not sure if she likes me more than a friend...I can usually tell these things but with her, I'm not 100% sure. Everytime I go for a smoke, there she comes flying out of the office. We also tease each other a lot/play fight. The best thing is how strong and deep our eye contact is at times when we talk. Sometimes we lock eyes for a good 3-4 seconds.

    The firm we work in has three office locations, and we learned that one of us is going to leave to another location in about a week, which is why I'm feeling pressured to move the pace a bit.

    I've had my share of flings so I can sort of tell when a girl likes me, and I thought she did until the past week when we started exchanging a texts outside of work.

    The last work day I sensed that she wasn't feeling right, so during a smoke break I start typing her a text to cheer her up...then she came out to me, so I didn't write it. I told her I had been planning on sending her a text to cheer her up. She got real curious so I told her I was sending it to her...just not now, she had to wait and guess.

    Later that night, I send her my message, which was a flirty, but funny message. I went something like "you look real cute...from behind." (her desk is back from me), then "but don't worry, very attractive from the front too! Relax and smile!"

    She replied saying : "MYNAME...how cute...stop saying things like that or else I won't talk to you anymore! See you tomorrow."

    Fast forward to today, I could tell she got a real hint I liked her with that message. I still got a flirty vibe from her, that didn't change. All the signs were there. I get the feeling like either she's waiting for me to do more and quicker, or that I'm just a flirty friend to her, and that's it, or it could be that she's scared a bit...I don't know.

    I'm just not sure after that message if she's playing games, I don't know what to make of it. Plus, when we talk about how we soon won't be working at the same location, she always comes up with something like : "who am I going to tease now"?, "why can't it be someone else" etc...

    I know this a long post but what do you guys think?
    Last edited by jdawg24; 29-10-11 at 07:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    how sure are you that she hasn't got a boyfriend? think about it. you texted when she was at home and she got a cob on....was she entertaining someone else ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I don't know, that was kind of a weird thing to say to a girl that you're just getting to know. A bit too bold and somewhat crass. Her reaction could either have been her trying to politely reject you, or it could have been just a heads up that she doesn't really dig that kind of forwardness. Either way, the message was "stop" so watch what you say to her from now on.

    See if she wants to go out on a date. You have the perfect opening after she does the "who am I going to tease now" thing. Say, "Don't worry. We can still talk. Want to meet up for coffee?" You don't need to know for sure whether a girl likes you or not to ask her out. Just ask. The worst that can happen is that she'll say no. Not a big deal.

  4. #4
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    @ Merry, I really enjoy reading your posts. I think I mentioned this before. Very sensible.
    Last edited by IndiReloaded; 31-10-11 at 02:22 PM.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    West Michigan
    She probably likes you just for a friend. I don't use flirting as anything but a minor sign someone likes me to date. I simply ask them out on a date to know for sure.

    Ask her if she has a boyfriend. If not, ask her if she might want to go on a date.
    I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
    (Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I had a similar situation at work. I'd worked with her for a couple of years and not really seen her as anything more than a colleague but she started getting very flirty. She hung around me all the time and would always try to work with me and I kept catching her staring at me. She's in a very long term relationship (and only ever relationship) which she openly complained about. It became obvious to me that at work she was trying to seek out the things she was missing in her relationship at home. I even over heard her saying that she wished I was her boyfriend..... It got a little messy. Now it seems she's resigned to the fact she will always be with him but not before leading other work colleagues a merry dance. It seems she needs to have a 'project' outside her relationship.

    I hope she is genuinely interested in you and that it works out but beware of teasing. I'm not sure women set out to cause pain but they sure can in their pursuit of what it is they need. I'd just ask her straight and don't let her take your balls.

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