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Thread: Mixed signals? why?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Mixed signals? why?

    Long story short: Me and my g/f broke up after 2 years and a half. She's 24 I'm 21. Her reason was that she does not feel the same as she used to, and its not the same. During the time of our break up we were both under HIGH stress from our lives outside of the relationship.

    She also said that she felt trapped but doesn't know why and she feels free but doesn't know why. To me that's complete bull sh*t. We did have a rocky start and we both admitted to our mistakes. We did have great times together.

    So time goes one I tried to fight for her back but got no where. Then I got to the point where I was like what else can I do or why am I doing this for someone who made the break up like sh*t.

    So far its been a month after break up. I have been working on my physical image to better myself and I was able to reduce school stress.

    3 days ago I started to plan that I'm going to let her chase me. I'm going to keep all conversation to a minimal one word answer and closed ended. I'm going to show her that I can have fun without her.

    So two days ago (i stopped texting/messaging her first) she messaged me first and she saw my facebook and said to me "see you already have girls trying to talk to you." I ignored. The day before that she was like "lol whats with the smiley in your status.....(moments later) lol did you get a date" I ignored again.

    Then the next day she initiates a conversation. I said "sorry but I have to do something and I'll be done in 40mins" That was a lie I had nothing to do. Then she goes on and asks what is it I have to do. Then she sees that I was going out last night and says "so your going out on friday hm" Then she saw my facebook again and makes another reference about girls and my facebook. That night we were talking we were up till 12p even though I made it obvious that I was just giving one word answers. She said "incase I pass out g'nite" and didn't shut her laptop off b/c she was still talking to me.

    And the night before that she said "my laptop is dieing, and i left my phone upstairs ill be up soon, g'nite" I felt like she wanted me to say g'nite right away so she can see it when she sees her phone. But I didn't send a g'nite until she fell asleep" Then in the middle of the night she texted me saying "theres no reason why you shouldn't be happy, i just thought something good happen"

    I havent talked to her for a hole day and she hasn't messaged me. I wish I knew what was going on but I guess this is fine. I also have a picture floating around of another girl next to me at the party i went to last night. It hasnt been posted up yet but it will lol.

    IDK what all this means. I'm still on NC but would still love to have the old her back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    There is a possibility she has friend zoned you. If she was truly interested in seeing you again she would say things like "miss you" "want to hang out sometime?" "can we talk?"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    And BTW you are not on NC. NC is just that, you don't have any contact with her, you don't talk to her at all.....but you still respond to her. Stop it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Yea I agree... she is probably only interested in being friends with you again.
    Even though she may look like she is jealous that you hang out with girls/having party, it doesn't always mean that she want to get back with you.

    When my ex and I broke up, we stayed friends on fb, he would talk to other girls etc, it didn't bother me, it didn't really made me jealous, but then it made me curious of what he has been up to etc.
    He and I went for NC after I started dating.... he said he doesn't want to hear what I've been up to etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    The thing is she does say she misses us. It may not be all the time but she said she misses our webcams. She still has all my stuff. Like she still has my teddy bear on her bed along with the pillow pet. She never gave anything back.

    Its hard to go NC, we go at most a day or so

    Today she texted me saying Hey. Then I said "Hey sry bzy at work but on break now" She said "how are you" i waited a little to give a response then she says "idk sry maybe shouldnt b talking to u" then I said "good u?" (ignoring her last statement). Then she said "idk i had a wierd day". i said why wierd day. She said "idk what have you been up to. I just said homework and work. Then I asked is everything ok?" She didn't answer then I said "ll, wen ur rdy to talk then msg me or call me. I wouldn't mind" and she said Ok.

    So obviously someting is not right with things on her end. I can't say if she did or didn't friend zone me b/c their hasn't been much communication. Even though it has been a month, it still is awkward. The friend zone wouldn't have that awkwardness with her talking to me. But then again we can all be wrong.

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