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Thread: Casual mixed signals from a woman? Some insight, please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Casual mixed signals from a woman? Some insight, please.

    I won't bore you with long stories or tedious details. Here are the bare-bones:

    There's a girl at work. She's been working there for a while now. We're in our mid-20's. We've chatted a fair bit, (enough to know some personal details about each other's lives,) always exchange greetings, but we work in different areas. As such, the most time I could ever expect to spend near her is about 10% of the work day.

    Yesterday was anomalous, we were assigned to the same task all day, so it was just me and her. All day. Nobody else.

    I initiated most of the conversation. I tried to keep it fairly light, both in topic and quantity; I didn't talk her ear off, I swear. And she always acted very friendly, gave good answers to questions, we had several nice mini-conversations.

    But. She only initiated maybe 10% of the talking. And whereas I asked her a lot of general questions about herself, she never, not once, asked me anything remotely personal. Never even threw back a "what about you?"

    Obviously, that's not very encouraging. Pretty straightforward.


    Then comes lunch. And out of nowhere, she sits right next to me. This has NEVER happened in the months she's been working here. And it's not as if none of the people she normally ate with were there, they were. And there were plenty of seats. But suddenly, there she is, we eat, we make conversation, it's nice.

    Then we finish out the work day and it's right back to how I described above.

    So, I'm just slightly curious. What the hell?

  2. #2
    shesjustnotin2u's Avatar
    shesjustnotin2u Guest
    I wouldnt get carried. You obviously stated that she is a friendly girl and sweet. Unless she has give you a special ed card and not others, then she's just simply a sweet heart. Butttt, on the other note, I think youre are attracted to her genuine good human nature qualities that she is growing on you....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    You know, my first thought was that her not supplying conversation clearly means she's not interested. But then I realized, if I was made to work alone with a guy I was attracted to, I'd probably also not be saying a whole lot unprompted, because I'm shy like that. There's a chance she is too.

    And I definitely wouldn't deliberately sit next to somebody out of the blue if I wasn't interested. But that's just me. Did she talk about work when she came and sat with you, or did she ask you about yourself? She could just be a nice person being nice, but politeness doesn't exactly demand that she go out of her way to sit with you. So don't jump to conclusions, but if she's kind of a shy/quiet girl, there's a chance she's into you.

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