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Thread: Do you see a future in my relationship?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Do you see a future in my relationship?

    Hi, I have 22 years girlfriend, i'm in a relationship that constantly have arguments and nonstop problems. my girlfriend and i stays far from each other, she's staying with her aunt & i am working in the other city, 100km apart. Our relationship is two years old, we never stayed together, just phone calls and visit, sometimes after two to three months, she doesn't wanna come stay with me, always have different excuses, each time i explain to her that, i wanna marry her but i'm worried that we never spent even 1 month together & that doesn't mean i know you at all, because i know you on the phone better than you in person, she then tells me it's hurting to hear that each time she visits me, it was not counting for anything.

    1. Am i wrong to say i still don't know her, even after two years in a relationship for the fact that we see each other after long time, every two to three month and just one day, where she even visits me from around 13H00 and at around 17H00 same day she goes back?
    2. I find it hard to trust her at all,especially that she once cheated me with other man for a year with me not being aware of it, am i wrong to fail to forgive her as much as i wanted to?
    3. How do i start building trust between us and making sure that our relationship becomes strong? especially now that she refuses to come stay with me to help me re-new our relationship?
    4. Is it normal for a girl to love her friends more than her own boyfriend? even if she see that, this is causing conflicts among us? sometimes she will rather breakup with me than cutting her friends that are destroying our relationship, she is addicted to whatz up and mxit, never want me to know who she is always talking to.
    5. Always we fight about having a baby, she just can't directly face me and say i don't want to, she will give an excuse that she's still at school (doing nursing at college) and will promise that when her course ends we will try for the baby, but once that time comes, she always have other reasons to make sure it never happen.
    6. I'm very much committed to her, she is my first girlfriend, i got into this relationship in 2010 November, i was 24 years at the time.
    7. Six months after we met, we use to talk at night from 00:00 with the Vodacom night shifts, she used to make sure she never sleeps until she talks to me, but the past 18 months have been different, she puts her phone silence each time she goes to sleep to make sure i do not bother her with phone calls, sometimes she will just ignore my calls during the day until i sms her and say, "i'm calling you the last time, if you don't answer consider this relationship over, that time for sure, she will answer, it won't ring twice.
    8. i'm so confused and don't know what to do. Do you see a future in my relationship? i'm worried because she never admits that there is no future between us, she say she loves me but neither her action or behavior proof that.
    Is there anything i'm perhaps missing in my relationship that would definitely turn things around and make me trust her again or am i just wasting my time?

    Please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I certainly don't see a happy future. You should break up.
    Last edited by searock; 04-02-13 at 05:38 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I have a golden rule for relationships. If they cause me more pain than pleasure then what really is the point. You're having constant arguements - why bother continuing with such crap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    I see no future in your relationship. She's apparently uninterested in spending time with you - 100 KM's apart and you only see each other every few months? That's only an hour's drive or train-ride. She cheated on you?

    Feh... dump her.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Long distance relationships never work out. Keep it under 30 miles apart.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by LoveDocJon View Post
    Long distance relationships never work out. Keep it under 30 miles apart.
    Gosh, my GF lives just over 30 miles away. Despite that incredible distance we somehow manage to see each other twice (yes twice) a week. She's going to be very annoyed when I dump her.
    DocJon - should I dump her via face to face, phone, text, email, Skpe or telepathy?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Relationships, especially an LDR, can just expire and go past the freshness date. That in lust feeling is gone and now there isn't anything really there worth hanging onto. You are fighting a losing battle, the reality of it is, your situation is not working. You both are unhappy, the arguments show that. There is no salvaging an already deteriorated relationship.

    This is your first relationship, so I can see why this has become a mess. I will tell you why....
    1.You lack experience.
    2.Having an LDR for your first relationship tells me you have trouble with dating or asking out girls in general.
    3.It's a no brainer that only seeing each other for a little over half a day once every 2 to 3 months is more like a booty call.
    4.Being apart like that, I can see why she would get lonely and seek out other male attention.
    5.If no one is willing to relocate within say a 6 month period, the relationship is on it's way to being doomed.
    6.You have insecurity issues, so an LDR is definitely not for you.
    7.You are 26 now, time to man up, and date someone else locally and stop this crap.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Boisdevie View Post
    I have a golden rule for relationships. If they cause me more pain than pleasure then what really is the point. You're having constant arguements - why bother continuing with such crap.
    love is blind.
    one will still tend to hang onto it despite lot of pain. especially for girl when encounter bad guy..
    "Invest wisely and have money work hard for you"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I see no future. She was cheating on you, lying to you and sneaking around behind your back for a year. What makes you think she wont do this again in the future? Especially since there was no consequences to her behavior. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. Its wrong. You should break up.

    Plus you only see her every 2 or 3 months when it suits her so it should be easy to walk away.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Boisdevie View Post
    I have a golden rule for relationships. If they cause me more pain than pleasure then what really is the point.
    That is my number one rule too Also my other golden rule that nobody should ever break is cheating which causes more pain that anything else.

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