I dated this girl when I was 14. I live in a city full of wealthy Italians, and always wanted to date one. She hung out with them, but I liked her specifically because she had blonde hair and blue eyes and didnt match. It took a whole year to finally get her, I was the happiest kid ever. A little into the relationship I found out she dated over 30 boys, but is a virgin. When we swapped virginities, she confessed she's actually the same ethnicity as me, but was adopted and raised by these Italians. She felt she doesn't know who she truly is, but she feels normal around me and she told me she loves me. And that's when our relationship got unhealthy. We began texting each other all the time, and we wanted to have sex all the time. BUT, her strict parents didnt let her go anywhere outside school unless she hung out with Italians. So, I was kept a secret, and me and her had to do everything during school. Even dates. We did that throughout highschool. When we graduated she would of been allowed to go out with me and have real dates and ride in a car with me and actually have sex on a bed instead of standing. Me and her were both very excited for this. But senior year I was in danger of failing. My far started abusing me because of it and this made me really bitter and depressed. I lashed out at everyone and started smoking pot. I started being really mean to her. Mad about her promiscuous past, mad how she doesn't seem to respect me like she use to, mad because I was mad at myself basically. And right before we graduated she broke up with me for an Italian boy. She drove off with an Italian boy, had sex with Italian boy on bed, and fell in love with him because her fake parents accepted him. I had to spend my summer crying and doing drugs wanting to just kill myself. After 30 days I got drunk and contacted her and we actually started texting and calling and all that, but then she told me to get a new girlfriend. And I am so hurt. Me and her were so codependent. I would of married this girl and have 3 kids with her and she knows it. But what stings the most is, I never got to say goodbye in person. I never got a last anything. She didnt say happy birthday last week, she probably doesn't care. I'm just another idiot on her long ex list..