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Thread: How to Rekindle Relationship with Ex-GF after 2 Years?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    How to Rekindle Relationship with Ex-GF after 2 Years?

    Hey everyone, got a question here.

    What is the best way to approach rekindling a relationship with an ex-girlfriend after two years?

    Of course, some history is needed. Here's the nutshell.

    "Jennifer" and I had a whirlwind romance. It was great for the most part. We were crazy in love with each other, and told each other all time. There were a lot of little problems, but a main issue I was a little too pushy and wanted things to go a bit faster than they were. I was a bit more immature and pushy, and not in control of my emotions, and it caused a lot of strife. We broke up/got back together a few times over the course of a 15-16 months. The last "temporary" breakup, she begged me to get back together. I agreed. Again, I was pushy and I slowly started to ruin it. We finally had a MAJOR fight while driving out on the highway (we were both guilty of things), and I left Jennifer out on the middle of the road. We were done then.

    It took 4-5 months for us to communicate again, and it was by email (which I initiated). There were still some very hurt feelings on her part, and neither of us really apologized. Jennifer "accidentally" sent a text to me months later that she had surgery and said "I love you". She also did stuff like try to friend me on LinkedIn. I was trying to heal and move on. This was about one year ago. Shortly after, I sent a very forceful email to her telling her that I didn't appreciate the contact as I did not want the "wound" in my heart to remain open. I even lied to her and told her that I had fallen in love with someone else. She replied to the email, apologized for a lot of things, but wishes I would have owned up for my shortcomings. I have not heard from her since.

    Since then, I feel like I have healed. That pain from the breakup is no longer there. I also have grown and matured quite a bit as an individual. I'm a much better and patient man than I used to be. But I also still think about Jennifer everyday, very fondly. I'm still very much in love with her. After that nasty roadside breakup a few years ago, I blocked her on Facebook. Just for grins, a few days ago I unblocked her on FB. I found that she is single. As recently as a few weeks ago, she posted to her FB friends that she is not dating anyone (most of her posts must be set as "Public"). This got me thinking...how could I rekindle this romance? Should I? There's still a boatload of crap and resentment from the past that I feel is in the way, or else I would simply ask her out for a drink to "catch up on things"?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Hi.. have you her phone number to call her. I know it would take a lot of guts to phone but it's much more respectful than a text or FB message AND.. you can gauge her voice. I would apologise for your behaviour years ago and say you would like to met up for a coffee. Tell her you realise this phone call must be a shock so you will let her think about it and call her back at xxx time tomorrow ( make sure YOU DO CALL !). She may agree to coffee or she may she " NO". IF she says "NO" , respect her wishes and DO NOT call again... but tell her to call you IF she changes her mind.

    Be aware you may not get the answer you wish.. but at least you will know and not wonder anymore.

    Life is too short not to take chances... do not mess her around. I contacted my ex after 22 yrs.. all was well ,then he jerked me around. Now.. I'm picking up the pieces. We women HATE when guys do not have the balls to tell us"it's not working".

    Good luck.

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