Hi guys! I'm not sure if this is the right place to post something like this, but I wanted to reach out and see if anyone might be interested in sharing their story.... I actually work for a national talk show produced by NBC and we are seeking couples (married or in a long term relationship) who could benefit from chatting with a sex therapist. We want to talk with a couple and help answer questions like - Why has the romance been lacking in our relationship? How can we feel that “spark” again? How can we spice things up? How can I tell my partner exactly what I'm feeling? How can we get our "groove" back?

I know questions/issues related to sex are sensitive topics and talking about them publicly may not be for everyone - that's why most of us come here after all, and that's totally cool! The great thing is that the segment would be super short (under 10 minutes) and our host & expert are both very light-hearted, so we plan to approach this in a playful, helpful, light-hearted way. Definitely no "pointing fingers" or taking this too seriously because that's not our style - we want to have a playful look at some common relationship issues and then give honest help to our guests and our audience at home. Everyone experiences these issues (even if we don't talk about it) and that's what it's all about!

If you or someone you know is interested in this, you can email us (associate.producers@nbcuni.com) your name, location and a brief explanation of why you need help. We’re looking forward to hearing from you - and looking forward to helping our audience through a problem that they may not have ever been able to talk about before!

Thanks everyone