
I'm basically over my ex and looking for a new girl, I got chatting to this girl I knew before and well actually got with at this party once. We decided to meet up cos we hadnt seen each other for like months and then everything seemed cool and I thought I could possibly go out with her, then 2 days before we met up I went all emotional one night- I sent her a text saying I was down, I really was down- But I think I seemed needy-from time to time I am so maybe its good that she knows what shes letting herself into, she didnt send off the exact same signals after that.

So we met up for coffee but then she brought my ex into the conversation(but that was briefly) and I was like eh??? Cos she pratically arranged the meeting, we got on really well and stuff. So I waited for her to text me after we met and she did, things seem a bit more postive than before and I know we'll meet up again, but I really dont want this to be another just friends situation. We have agreed to meet up again one night but we dont know when. Should I see how things go next time and then ask her out cos everything does seem in place, cos like when chatting and stuff things are cool, and well I think I've got nothing to lose and stuff. Or should I not lose to much time on this one? Cos that could make a difference too, if I keep her waiting, I've got a history of not seizing opporunities, like do all the hard work and then dont bother getting numbers etc...
