So 5 years ago I met a guy on a dating website. I was hesitant about meeting anyone so I asked him if we could get to know eachother a bit better first and he agreed. We spent hours on end each night talking about anything and everything. This went on for a good 3/4 months. Then suddenly he got ill and was rushed into hospital. When I found out I dropped everything I was doing and travelled for 2 hours to be by his side. When he woke up his face lit up and I knew right then that he was perfect and I wanted to be with this man. He was ill for a while and moved from pillar to post so we decided we'd just keep texting and wait until he got better. But then when he did start getting better we'd arrange to meet up and every time he let me down. I decided to move on and we both eventually married other people, keeping in contact over the years as friends. In 2012 my marriage broke down and two weeks later I had a message from this guy saying his marriage had failed too! So we decided to meet up and talk after he begged me, saying he had to see me.. but he never turned up again. Then 2 months ago I found out he'd tried to kill himself by jumping out of a building because of certain issues with family I can't disclose on here. I again stopped what I was doing and went straight to the hospital. He was so high on prescribed drugs and not the guy I knew and had grown so stupidly fond of.. but I couldn't leave. I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be ok, so I did and he held me so tight it really tugged on my heartstrings. I told him he needed to know I had fallen for him and I needed to know how he felt about me but I got nothing back. So I left broken. I decided to move on once again. I've now started dating another guy who is really lovely. Kind, considerate, funny.. really genuine guy. But 2 days ago the guy from 5 years ago told me he is madly in love with me and always has been, he just wasn't in the right place when I told him how I felt and now he's in a really good place he realises everything he has ever wanted has been right under his nose all along. I really don't know what I'm meant to do about it. Who do I choose? Please help!