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Thread: Just looking for unbiased opinions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Just looking for unbiased opinions

    Hi there, so me and my girlfriend broke up just a few days ago. We lived together and never had any problems or fights, we had very good communication with each other and when something one of us didn't agree with came up we were able to talk about it openly. So the breakup was seemingly out of no where and I was completely blindsided by it (her fsmile was also blindsided and wantEd to helplay get usome back together). She went away for a family wedding and while she was gone we talked everyday, she would tell me she loved me and missed me everyday and nothing was out of the norm. The day after she got home, I could feel some tension or that something was just not right (you know that gut instinct), we were walking to class together (we are in the same program in college) and I asked if everything was ok because of the tension I could feel, and she said she was just working things out in her head. So after class I asked her about what was going on and if we were on the brink of breaking up, the answer became clear right away. So when we got home I tried talking to her to figure out what happened and what was going on and basically all I got was the "it's not you its me" stuff. So it was done, she packed up and left. The day after that we had class together and she was barely holding together and when I gave her the last of her things after I asked her if this is what she really wants and that this is actually happening, she couldn't look at me and was in tears and it killed me to see her like that. Fast forward to today, she found out I hurt my back, texted me to see if I was ok (which I is really the only part that made sense to me). Next thing I know she is offering to bring me food since I'm laid up and that if I need anything to call her, I thanked her for that but told her it's ok I'm good and I'll be fine. She responded with I know but I can't just let you suffer in pain. So she ended up bring me food and asking me what else I need ect.. What I don't understand is why right after she breaks up with me she would go out of her way to help me and do things for me. It confuses me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    I would guess that she feels guilty for something she has done.
    Pain is what the world does to you, suffering is what you do to yourself. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Maybe the person she romanced on the wedding trip didn't work out, to me she did something that trip and felt guilty and broken it off with you. Have you asked if anything sexual happened when she was away? my first thought was that, was it not yours too? You are still there so she found an opening with your injury and worked herself back in. That is my take on this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    My take is not so suspicious and untrusting but could be just as wrong/right as anyone else's since they are all just guesses.

    My GUESS is that she is just having a hard time rehabbing from the addiction of having you in her life and so she is keeping you in it as much as you enabler her to.

    If you want ANY chance of getting her back (not saying you will or you won't get back together, just sayin) then you will not allow her to break up with you while keeping you in her life in the demoted state of just friend.

    You will give her zero chance to miss you and feel what it's like to NOT have you. Don't take the role, the demotion to "just friend." Find out from her what her motive is (not from "us" but from her) and if her motive is to keep you as her friend, then do yourself the kind and self-loving thing and tell her that you can't be her friend because you need to be able to get over her if breaking up is what she wants. Then go zero contact and only keep it "friendly" (not friends) when you are in class together while quickly exiting without chatting her up.

    Why weren't you invited to the wedding as her plus 1?
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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