Hi everyone. I need your help, I can’t really think right now; I’m kind of confused with the situation in which I am. I met a man two weeks ago and since then I haven’t stopped thinking of him. The more I try to forget him, the more I think of him. Right now I’m dying of need to phone him (it’s past midnight).

To start with, I met this man via a job interview. I applied for a position of secretary and his assistant called me for an interview. She told me she was very satisfied with me but I had to meet her director because I will be his PA. I met the said director who was very impressed with me but couldn’t employ me because of my work permit. Although I couldn’t get the job, he gave me his personal details and told me he doesn’t know why he’s doing this.

Two days after my interview we met (he took me to his house) and encouraged me to continue being self-employed as it could take me higher, and that he could assist me as much as he could. I told him I would like to continue being self-employed but I’d like to have a formal training in the field in which I’m actually self-employed. He asked me to look for accredited schools, he would help as much as he can. He even encouraged me to move my business from where I am to a better place.

He’s 52 and I’m 39. He’s divorced, 3 kids (eldest 18, living with him while the others 12 and 10 are living with their mother in another country). I’m also divorced, two kids (my first born is 18 while the second is 10). We spoke of many intimate things, our lives, marriages, children, etc. I do not want to have kids anymore, same with him. He told me he doesn’t know how to express his feelings and I answered him he has to. It should be noted that he didn’t propose to me, but as a woman we can always foresee when a man desires us. We chatted that day until midnight and he proposed me to spend the night in his house, (separate rooms) but I refused because I didn’t want him to think that I was expecting just that. He however told me that his house is opened to me, that I could go and visit anytime I feel like visiting.

A day after we met he travelled oversees for a week and when he came back he called me the following day. I was so happy to hear his voice; I lastly spoke to him yesterday; around midnight I saw his missed call when I called back he didn’t answer. I haven’t spoken to him today, but deep inside me I’d like to hear his voice. Every time my phone rings I wish he was the one.

Since my divorce in 2009 I haven’t fallen in love with anyone I have dated. I do respect, care, but I haven’t thought of moving on with my life. With him I feel as if he’s the one I have been waiting forever. I even went as far as praying to God for the first time in my life that he should unite me with this man. I’m so vulnerable right now, I’m scared of another disappointment. I can barely sleep; I want him to make the first move. I think so much of him that I almost want to give up. For example I’m thinking of deleting his personal numbers and emails both from him and the company (although I can get the Company’s landline on the internet). I have even thought of also renouncing to the financial assistance which he offered. Hence I haven’t told him anything yet about the school I found.

He’s divorced since 2005. I don’t wanna disclose my feelings to him because I’m scared he might think that I’m a gold-digger.

Please help me people. Is it true love? One thing I’m certain of is that right in his office, I felt something special for him. When he gave me his details despite the fact that I didn’t get the job, it was a great relieve for me, that we could be in touch. What I feel for him, I only felt it once in my life, when I was 21. Should I give up or fight for what I think is love? I’m even hating myself for being in this situation. I’m telling myself should it not work, I will no longer give to a man an opportunity of coming closer to me.

Thanks for responding.