Hi all

I got a relationship 2 years ..., long distance, but upon her travelling for studies I joined her. Nice trips we did. Also common interests but we forgot a bit to deepen our contact our relationship. Sex was satisfying too, for both of us ... and then suddenly she broke up. Doubting.

From the beginning she claimed me, "I dont want to see you disappearing".
Next months were pulling/pushing.

End August I wrote her a letter, my me in it, what I feel for her, I took a very vulnerable position ... then 3 weeks of silence. Last weekend a message: "1/thank you for your letter, it touches me deeply, I dont know why it gets me so fragile ... 2/ I got my permission to start my PHD. I found important to tell you"
I replied I was happy for her PHD, and that I hope she find the same for her personally, but I think I can't help her.

And then!

She replied instantly and said she wants to see me. She avoids saying 'I miss' you, but actually she did say: I can't forget this all, and I would be happy to see you.

The reason for the break-up is that she doubts, but since split she still doubts on her decision and can't go exit herself. I respect her 3 weeks sudden silence, but it made me very angry and felt bad. But again, there is she again.

I don't know what to do here. Giving this time, and having a good chat together at least?