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Thread: Is it time to call it a day after 2 1/2 years?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kooky View Post
    I've slept with two people in my life at 25 - jump to conclusions based on no information much?
    Negan is a prime exampe of a male that has verbally abused you without provocation. Ignore him and anything he has to say from here on out.. put him on ignore or report him but don't respond to him.

    That being said.. Have you reconsidered this entire situation or are you still going ahead with the move?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    Funny, I didn't take it that you were kidding either.. In fact you didn't even say you were kidding after you wrote that you told him to buy food or you would have your own party. Of course I wasn't there to see your facial expression or hear your voice or your tone.

    Well, then you have your answer. Time to panty up and make your decision to leave then. Why waste another minute being abused by him?

    He expect to go back to you like nothing happened because that's what you've taught him that he can do. He is disrespectful and then you just go on like nothing happened until shit hits the fan again. You can't blame him for just doing what he's always done and suffered no consequences for now can you? He's an asshole. You know that so no sense just telling you what you already know.

    Honey...STOP being afraid to leave assholes. Do it before you have this man's child. Break the cycle... your daughter DOES NOT need to grow up seeing men treat you with disrespect. She'll think that she should be fine with being disrespected in her own future relationship(s) if you don't teach her that first and foremost, she needs to respect herself to maintain that personal boundary and then she'll have to love of self to immediately leave a sonofabith who treats her with abuse the very first time it happens.

    Get out now, doll. Maybe think about getting some abused woman's support or some councelling so that you love yourself enough to leave turds the minute they show you who they are because this vvvv is just crazy and certainly not in your daughters best interests. You already know what he's like... two weeks? WTF is that going to accomplish. You'd be better off keeping your flat and getting a same sex flat mate to help with expenses then to move you and your innocent daughter in to watch you two go at it.. what will you be teaching her?
    I have no interest in having his child. I left my ex as he was abusive - though much more so than this, this is nothing in comparison. My daughter always comes first and there's been issues with that too as he doesn't always understand that. Thank you for your input, I feel like I'm starting to see some sense!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    Negan is a prime exampe of a male that has verbally abused you without provocation. Ignore him and anything he has to say from here on out.. put him on ignore or report him but don't respond to him.

    That being said.. Have you reconsidered this entire situation or are you still going ahead with the move?
    Thinking of ending everything. The move is definitely not happening, I had my doubts in the first place from previous fights but he tried for ages to convince me that if we lived together, we couldn't do the silent treatment after fights and would work it out. But face to face isn't much better, clearly!

    I know I only need myself as I only have myself anyway, so it's probably best this happened before the move, I feel utterly stupid for even considering it in the first place tbh.

  4. #19
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kooky View Post
    I have no interest in having his child. I left my ex as he was abusive - though much more so than this, this is nothing in comparison. My daughter always comes first and there's been issues with that too as he doesn't always understand that. Thank you for your input, I feel like I'm starting to see some sense!
    Keep this in mind while you self-reflect. Being less abused is still being abused. There are good men out there that wouldn't think of being the oil to your water nor would they be unable to understand that your daughter needs well adjusted and steady rearing. My final bit of advice: Work on yourself a bit more before choosing one of these good guys so that you choose well. You deserve to be treated with respect by someone you are compatible with and when you truly believe that, you'd NEVER settle for anything less.

  5. #20
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    Keep this in mind while you self-reflect. Being less abused is still being abused. There are good men out there that wouldn't think of being the oil to your water nor would they be unable to understand that your daughter needs well adjusted and steady rearing. My final bit of advice: Work on yourself a bit more before choosing one of these good guys so that you choose well. You deserve to be treated with respect by someone you are compatible with and when you truly believe that, you'd NEVER settle for anything less.
    Thank you. I would never have dreamt that he would be like this now, as the first 6 months were amazing, and we had maybe a couple of rocky moments after that but it's only been in the past 6 months or so that it's all changed where I can't say anything without a fight. And yeah, I'm not perfect but I don't expect who I'm with to be either. Maybe I'm finding it tough as I'm thinking too much of what we had before rather than what we have now.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Take this one step at a time. Tell him everything you've said here, tell him that you don't think thats why its a good idea that you move in with him because you're not getting along and you'd not want to move in with someone you can't live with.

    When {if?} you break up with him, you'll be upset due to the disappointment of the relationship not working out but I don't think you'll be upset because he's out of your life. You were surviving before he came into the picture and you'll survive with him out of it too. You'll get over any pain soon enough by going zero contact and by keeping busy working on yourself to be the best YOU that you can be.

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