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Thread: Mixed Messages? What's next?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Mixed Messages? What's next?!

    (Dense-brained male question) Okay, guys you might remember my topic named "Double Meaning" when this girl randomly stated "Boys are so stupid! It isn't that complicated!" . I got a clear message that instead of being a stump I should ask her out. Knowing that this was a good idea, I asked her on a date.

    She said yes...Now here is where the problem begins. I ask her a date, she has something to do. Ask again. Another excuse. She refuses to try to look in the future of any other days because of possible "short notices". I don't trip over this but I did say that it was hard as hell to just get a date with her in a calm tone.

    She said "It happens."

    I said "It sure does."

    Later on, I am doing my work and she comes up to my and starts punching me playfully in the arm.

    Her- "Don't pretend that this doesn't annoy you!"

    I kept on working. She tried to tickle me. It didn't work.

    Her- "Is this your spot?!"
    Me - "No, you'll never find it."

    Her - "How are you doing?"
    Me - "I'm doing good."
    Her - "...okay...that's good" *walks away*

    Two days later, I text her. We have a pretty cool conversation. Then that day in class I go to sit by her. She looks at me casually and doesn't do anything more. I hug, I rested my head on her shoulder. You know little things. She took them lightly (you know not blowing them off, but not getting into it either. I asked her about the interview she had one day. She gave a quick "Really good." and turned her back away from me.

    To end this, I thought she like me. I am not "bummed out" so to speak, but this dense man is pretty confused. She doesn't seem to care. Every day for the date I choose, she seems busy (I've offered about 4 days). If she didn't want to go on a date she could have just made a bad excuse when I asked in the first place. A few days ago she seemed into me. I go to sit by her. I'll say this now, I am not the loud type, usually pretty quiet. Not shy, just quiet, so I don't have much to say when I am sitting by her. But she just seems.....well.....cold.

    I would say that she is farther from me now because I am getting closer to her, but I wouldn't say that is true. I still tease her, and call her an "Oompa Loompa", it doesn't make sense. Can anyone translate?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I think if she was interested she would make time or propose a time that will work. Not just excuse after excuse with no alternatives.

    It sucks yeah but it is what it is.

    Pretend like you like a new girl and ignore this girl and I promise you she will be all over you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Yeah, it seems that way. It's fine! I'm already talking to someone else! If she decides to come around it's alright. But I might not be available then.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Seems like she is playing games, I say move on to the next lucky lady and if she comes around she comes around but if you are with someone else its her loss.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Indeed. Thanks for the advice!

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