Hey everyone, I posted recently about my problem with a girl who has had some past trouble in relationships, and most everyone advised me that I was probably a rebound guy. Thankfully, I am not the rebound guy, this girl and I have talked a lot about things and have shared the fact that we both really like eachother a lot. We had a great night tonight on Valentine's day, I took her out to dinner and bought her a pink rose, and she had a very nice time. We discussed things further tonight, and she said that she could definitely see herself with me, but that she is just really confused a lot about things, and I feel that she is having trouble letting me get closer to her to start a relationship because of bad experiences in the past. One of her main points was that every one of her past boyfriends were too controlling, and would get jealous if she even sat at a bar and talked with another guy. And I told her, coming straight from the heart, that I am not like that at all and would respect any of her wishes.

I really don't know if she believes this, but I was being honest. She went on to say that she is afraid that if we started something together, that we would only have two and a half months left to be together before being separated during the summer, and that she doesn't really know about long-distance relationships. I completely understand how she feels, because if we got even closer to eachother, it would be very hard to be away from eachother. But I just wish she wouldn't think ahead to silly things like the future, and just let her true feelings take course, because I really know how she feels about me now. And we both feel the same way in the respect that we are both in a bad position, having developed feelings for eachother, and it would hurt both of us to break things off now to avoid potential hurt in the future, but it would also hurt in the future if we continued seeing eachother and we either make nothing of it or made something of it, then separated for two and a half months until coming back to college. I feel it in my heart that we could have something really great together, and I wish that we were not in this difficult position, but that's the hand that fate dealt us. I just don't know how to let her open up to me, and it's probably impossible. Her hard times in the past have led her to be cautious of letting people into her heart, although she feels that I am a better guy than any of her past boyfriends. I feel that this is a girl who I could eventually fall in love with, and even though that is a great feeling, it's bitter sweet because of all I have mentioned. We can't hide our feelings for eachother, but yet we are both afraid of the exact same things. I am so confused.