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Thread: Sex guilt?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Sex guilt?

    After a prolonged period of no physical intimacy in the past month I've had varying degrees of sexual contact (shy of actual intercourse) with a few different girls (Kiss goodnight, making out, and most recently stuff a little more hardcore). Two nights ago while reeeeeeeeally drunk I just got naked with my (former) roomate (last night of my lease). She is the biggest committaphobe girl, but indicated to then that she wants to **** untill she moves out of town (in about 2 weeks from now). So basically I get 2 weeks of strings free sex right? - (as a side: Not that i wouldn't wear a condom, but I also know that she can't have any kids...longer story)

    Now get this though - I don't want it. For that matter any of the girls I've done anything with I didn't enjoy, with one exception. That exception being a girl I went out with a few times but she went back to her ex. I would have liked to have gone out with her (before the whole getting back with her ex thing). Otherwise I didn't want to date any of the girls, and when something happened I felt bad (for lack of a better word) about it.

    This isn't the first time this has happened, everytime I've done something casually I felt shitty about it. Even when the girls I was with just wanted something casual too. I realised I don't enjoy physical/intimate contact with someone unless I want a relationship with them. The hell is wrong with me?
    Has any other guy experienced this? Its totaly contrary to the messaging i've gotten through society...

    Just thought I'd share this...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Youre growing up...you want more in a relationship and see sex as something more emotional rather than just getting your willy wet. Which is great! This isnt a bad thing here! Youre starting to find yourself and your self worth as well.

    This is a good thing!!! Im sure you'll get lots of opinions on this one-
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Canada RULES!
    I agree with squirley....

    But I don't find it to unusual. Sometimes, you just hit that stage where you want to have an emotional connection with that person, instead of just physical. Yes, it can be a good thing too. There is more out there then just sex....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    the thing is, I think I might always have thought this way. looking back on ALL of my experience the only girls I've enjoyed any sort of physical intimacy with I was either in a relationship or wanted to be in. Casual though? always felt guilty about, or bad or whatever....

    a friend of mine who I met through an ex. (he's close to her, but we're still stayed friends) always used to tell me after that breakup that "there's nothing wrong with casual sex" - I used to think he'd tell me that just to encourage me to get with more women, but i dunno. I still feel bad about it.

    It's just a greater point has been made on this recently as there has been a string of incidents in the past months or so...

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