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Thread: Not sure what we are? Prospect?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Not sure what we are? Prospect?

    My friend called me and wanted me to come hang out at his friend's party. When I showed up I met a girl that is amazing. She has every quality that I look for in a girl and we have a ton in common. We had a good time at the party and when it slowed down we went with some friends to a bar. We had an awesome time that night at the bar and when it was over I walked her to her car, exchanged numbers, and gave her a hug. I didn't know that at the time she had a boyfriend. They dated for a 8 months, but they hadn't talked in the past week. After that night they broke up. The next few days we met up a couple of times to hang out and grab lunch with friends, but not really a date. The following weekend we went to an event together. It was a blast and we had an awesome time together. We had a little bit to drink, and we ended up kissing a lot that night. At the end of the night I dropped her off and we had one last kiss. Two days later we went to a party together and after the party we went to a bar with friends. We ended up kissing a lot that night also. We exchanged a few messages since that night, but we haven't gotten a chance to hang out again since then. I am confused because we aren't in a relationship, but we are together. I don't want to pressure her into a relationship because she just got out of a long relationship. On the other hand, I don't want her to see me as her "hook-up" partner. I really do think the world of her and I hope that she sees me the same way. Now I'm not sure what to do. I guess my question is what is the best way to keep from being her rebound or hook-up partner?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Well, there's not a lot you can do to keep from being a rebound-- you knew she had just gotten out of a relationship, and are already kissing her.. you sort of set yourself up for it.

    All you can do now is be honest with her-- tell her how you feel, ask her what she wants.

    Don't be surprised if she tells you she's "not ready," but would still like to hang out/hook up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    What's the vibe? If you're into her, you could always just ask her out. Or hint heavily...
    Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world

    -Lily Tomlin

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