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Thread: Two budding relationships, help me choose!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Two budding relationships, help me choose!

    Hi all, and if you read this whole thing through, thanks

    I'm 26, stable and independent, but with a rather lonely past. I'm thrilled and lucky to have recently met two girls who've touched my heart, but a choice needs to be made!

    Of course, they're almost complete opposites, completing different parts of me.

    One I've been seeing for a couple of months, she's amazingly understanding, stable and caring, we get along great, and really the sex is the best part. She's a few years older and voiced more concern about where's the relationship going - I never said we're committed, because it didn't feel quite right. We live 2 hours away and both work full time so it's not obvious to meet; and while it feels great when we're together, she's not the most attractive person and I'll admit I'm feeling awkward sometimes when we're in public. What the world thinks isn't supposed to matter, but that's an ideal - and in reality, what good is a relationship if you don't feel comfortable around your partner both in private and in public? She deserves someone who does.

    I've been hanging out with the other girl for a couple of weeks, and (perhaps unsurprisingly) she's the total opposite. She's tiny, slim, deadpan and sarcastic. While the first has a 'soft', loving personality, this one is a 'harder' shell, but it makes it all the more satisfying when she expresses affection - I enjoy the challenge. She lives nearby, and works in my creative field so we share the same world (and the first girl admits she has no imagination). She has more issues with intimacy, but I feel like I've been helping her with that (she's not playing games, it's really issues she's had)... and we are starting to get intimate, which is why I need to make a decision NOW before I turn into "that kind of guy" and lose them both!

    They're both kinky and open, so I actually do know they're not polyamorous :-)
    Oh where's Frankenstein when I need him... why can't I just combine them into one girl!

    Any advice, how or who to choose??

  2. #2
    Junket's Avatar
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    Neither sound all that ideal, but if I had to choose, I'd go with the second, sarcastic one.

  3. #3
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
    IndiReloaded is offline Yawning
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    Which one do you imagine being with into your old age?

    Tho, I would caution you on the new girl. You barely know her. What looks exciting now could be serious trouble later. My 'bitch alert' sensors went off with some of what you posted.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  4. #4
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    The first girl puts me off a bit because she is the kind of girl you should get old with. Even though she's happy with whatever I give her, I can sense that she'd love to settle. I'm not looking for someone to grow old with at this point... as much as I can tell, a relationship that works for half, one or two years is fine with me.

    I know the second, younger girl is not a bitch. She says bitchy things for teasing.. and then can't stop apologizing. You know what matters: words are a game, but she's never acted in a bitchy way (in the few weeks that I've known her).

    I guess that it's always one's own unique situation that makes the difference. Many people have had too much drama in their past; I've had too little. An odd blend of innocence and maturity. I'm old enough to smell these traps and know of a better way, but feel.. incomplete before I venture near one, even if I get bit. Like a personal path you have to take, roadbumps included. Does that make any sense?

    I think the worst thing that can happen is that I'll pass on that opportunity, but will be back later, and then it'll be too late...

  5. #5
    tooxshort's Avatar
    tooxshort is offline Souljah
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    b-b-b-b-b-BAY AREA!
    I think you'll choose the second one ... It seems like the first one is a sure thing and most guys want to keep something that has its ups and downs more than monotony ..
    no autographs, please!

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  6. #6
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    I also think you'll chose the second one because she is younger and prettier although you are more compatible with the first
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    Accept all as it is and do not blame
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    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

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