Hey, i dont mean to sound like a sleeze but we have been going out 2 months and have had sex 3 times. She has always said she loves agressive sex, random and even outdoor sometimes. Thats awesome in my books. We live an hour apart so i can really only see her every so often, like stay up the weekends cause of college during the week.

BUT...every time we are with eachother i always have to take the lead and suggest sex, ya know? Like she never wants to. The 1st time, she just lay there, 2nd time she teased me and then just went to bed asleep and left me there. The 3rd time, was normal. Is it wrong that i want more, she hasnt done anything in that department for me. :-/ Alot of other times she has said she does be in "the mood" during the day but then night comes and we watch tv till she passes out and we just end up sleeping. She is a year younger than me and has been with a few guys before me.

How do i go about things?
