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Thread: Girl--Mixture Of Feelings

  1. #1
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest

    Girl--Mixture Of Feelings

    my g/f and i were dating for 8 months so far. i also have a phone curfew that is at 9:30... to the new members who don't know me, i'm only 14 -_-`

    okie dokie well last night my g/f had some serious problems. her emotions were all ****ed up and tied in knots.. you know how you miss somebody so much that sometimes it hurts your chest? last night, i was on the phone with her until midnight because she was screaming crying from all the pain. she said she wasn't sure if she was in love with me anymore. she didn't know why, but she said that all she could do was think about me because of how sweet i was all week.

    she asked what i would do if she wasn't in love w/ me anymore and i said "well.. i gotta be honest. i'd just leave you." THEN she really got ****ed up. she was saying "no! i won't let you!" i know it wasn't fake because she was almost screaming at the top of her lungs in tears.

    but afterwards she was crying for some period of time and i had NO idea what to do because i had never been there before. i tried to be consoling but i told her i thought maybe it was the end of the relationship.

    so the only thing i could think of was making laugh her ass off by sayin' stupid shit like: when she said she couldn't breath cuz she had a stuffy nose i was like "dude as much as you use your mouth it's gotten pretty big i'm sure you could breath out of that"

    but she stopped crying, blew her nose, and told me she still loved me when she found time between laughing histarically.

    i have no idea what the **** happened.. please fill me in somebody
    Last edited by King Zarathu; 21-11-04 at 01:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Canada RULES!
    hmmm ... oddly enough that sounds like me on PMS I always make the stupid decisions when its around that time. lol.

    It sounds here, that even though she was questioning it, she still loves you (shows that through her freaking out if you tried to leave her).

    Its a good thing that you made her feel better by making her laugh. I know situations like that are extremely confusing and you don't know what the hell to do. But, its going to happen sometime in pretty much any relationship.

    Next time you talk to her, just reasure that she's okay and that you love her. Probably just a bad day...

    Evil School!!
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  3. #3
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    Young girls are best avoided.

    That said, in a very emotional and unstable part of a person's life, you should just let her be sure that you are there for her.
    The only way to guaruntee a 100% rejection rate is never to ask at all.

  4. #4
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    ok quick update. before this, i had left to GA and i hadn't seen her for 3 weeks. in between those 3 weeks, we had some serious issues we had to deal with, on top of me being suspected that i was cheating on her--among other things. end result was, she didn't even want to kiss me. barely even hug me. it was so ****ed up.

    today i went to her house and we made out for an hour and a half.. i got a handful of ass too. there was this once part where i was rubbing her back and kissing her at the same time and i went down to her neck and down her body only to find myself in between her tits (over her shirt) and i was kissing the sides.

    now.. all this shit happened like crazy. first she doesn't wanna get close to me, then she misses me so much it hurts (still didn't wanna be 'on that page') then within 14 hours we're doin crazy shit.

    i'm scratchin' my head goin' WTF?!?!?!

  5. #5
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    Nov 2004
    Wow. Sounds like a serious bi-polarism.

    I have no idea how to help you. She cares about you but it seems she has no control over her emotions. I'm baffled. Stay with her and hope she can start controlling herself. If things get too out of control, or hectic. I say end it. When you find yourself running through the cold snow for an hour at midnight to see your girlfriend because she's upset about something stupid, you know things are getting weird.... mind you, don't ask for explanation on that one.

    Just... wait it out and... try and hope things get less confusing?

  6. #6
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    She cares about you but it seems she has no control over her emotions.
    omg.. u are so right on target it's stupid.. we had a talk about her not being able to control her emotions and she said "no i don't want to.. they are a part of life and I accept them.."

    If things get too out of control, or hectic. I say end it.

    When you find yourself running through the cold snow for an hour at midnight to see your girlfriend because she's upset about something stupid, you know things are getting weird....
    I know EXACTLY what you mean.

    Just... wait it out and... try and hope things get less confusing?
    I will, thank you.
    Last edited by King Zarathu; 21-11-04 at 11:46 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LTsK8eR2gO

    okie dokie well last night my g/f had some serious problems. her emotions were all ****ed up and tied in knots.. you know how you miss somebody so much that sometimes it hurts your chest? last night, i was on the phone with her until midnight because she was screaming crying from all the pain. she said she wasn't sure if she was in love with me anymore. she didn't know why, but she said that all she could do was think about me because of how sweet i was all week.
    I was reading an article on this sort of thing today... Ever heard of Pavlov? The man trained dogs to salivate when they heard the ringing of a bell, by associating the sound with being fed. The mood she's in while you're with her in the majority of your meetings-that's the mood she will associate with you in the back of her mind. Hopefully this isn't something your girlfriend frequently does, but if so, I would suggest just letting her smooth things out for herself. If she's having a great time, or experiencing something fun or delightful with you more often than not, she will associate you with feeling good. Times where you are expected to appear for her support are more like funerals, or her cat gets hit by a car, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by LTsK8eR2gO
    she asked what i would do if she wasn't in love w/ me anymore and i said "well.. i gotta be honest. i'd just leave you." THEN she really got ****ed up. she was saying "no! i won't let you!" i know it wasn't fake because she was almost screaming at the top of her lungs in tears.
    Fantastic job of amplifying attraction. I'm sure that's not what you were thinking at the time, but when a girl realizes that no, you don't HAVE to have her to survive, you become more desireable. The more a girl has "invested" in you, the more tightly held together a relationship will be from her viewpoint.

    Quote Originally Posted by LTsK8eR2gO
    but afterwards she was crying for some period of time and i had NO idea what to do because i had never been there before. i tried to be consoling but i told her i thought maybe it was the end of the relationship.
    I personally don't date girls with that mean of a mood swing, though it's up to YOU to decide how much you want to take.

    Quote Originally Posted by LTsK8eR2gO
    so the only thing i could think of was making laugh her ass off by sayin' stupid shit like: when she said she couldn't breath cuz she had a stuffy nose i was like "dude as much as you use your mouth it's gotten pretty big i'm sure you could breath out of that"
    "If you want loyalty-get a dog. If you want loyalty and attention-get a smart dog." -Grant Fairley

    "Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer."

  8. #8
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Thank you so much for your reply. Holy shit, dude.. every post you've made here has always been very useful and encouraging. You would make a good mod

    Fantastic job of amplifying attraction. I'm sure that's not what you were thinking at the time, but when a girl realizes that no, you don't HAVE to have her to survive, you become more desireable. The more a girl has "invested" in you, the more tightly held together a relationship will be from her viewpoint.
    Thanks.. lmao. Attraction is my specialty I made threads on it, if you want to check them out.

    I was reading an article on this sort of thing today... Ever heard of Pavlov? The man trained dogs to salivate when they heard the ringing of a bell, by associating the sound with being fed. The mood she's in while you're with her in the majority of your meetings-that's the mood she will associate with you in the back of her mind. Hopefully this isn't something your girlfriend frequently does, but if so, I would suggest just letting her smooth things out for herself. If she's having a great time, or experiencing something fun or delightful with you more often than not, she will associate you with feeling good. Times where you are expected to appear for her support are more like funerals, or her cat gets hit by a car, etc.
    Very interesting.. I'll think about that and see what's up.

    Thank you guys very much.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I would say its her insecurity. She was having her own problems which really bugged her and made her lose security or even confidence! I guess she just wanted to test you and see how much she could trust you and stuff. You cant really believe things she said when she was so ****ed up because when a girl got emotional problems she just said shit to catch your attention and care, knowing that there is still someone she can believe in or get hope from.

    I've been there - kind of. that was my case. i dont know yours but it could be one of the reasons......just be there for her and dont upset her even more. if shes totally calm again, see if she will still say shes not in love with you anymore......

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX
    Also, almost all people at your age have questions about their feelings. It is a time of trying to understand yourself, and alot of times people will say things that they dont really feel because they think it is "normal" or they think it is the way they are "supposed" to be. Good luck with figuring things out man.

  11. #11
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Wow... now that I think about it, you're right.

    I don't think I have that problem though because I can completely control my feelings. Most of my past life I was indifferent about EVERYTHING and I wanted only my security and logical thinking. That's why I'm so analytical. I was indifferent because of a sexual abuse problem that reoccured some 4-50 times over a 2 year period, which led to me not giving a shit about anything.

    That's why I have such a hard time understanding when Megan gets ****ed up in the head, and why it took so many times for her to think things over about loving me.

    Thanks for the advice,

    =[LT]sK8eR2gO < n'zizzle >

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    umm so one again you are on the roller coaster again up and down up down but i think you have it covered now babe. Babe it sounds to me that megan needs lots of your attnetion and when you are young we freak out and create all kinds of drama for it.
    It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone"

    People change and forget to tell each other.

  13. #13
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    *sends her roses*

  14. #14
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    ok NOW things are REEEEALLY gettin' ****ed up (in a good way)

    look at this online convo:

    Her: ur so adorable
    LTsK8eR2gO: hhahahah
    Her: :-P
    LTsK8eR2gO: lol thx :-D
    LTsK8eR2gO: u 2
    Her: my Qt
    LTsK8eR2gO: ur a hottie!
    LTsK8eR2gO: hahahah!
    LTsK8eR2gO: i'm ur qt!!!!
    Her: my qt!! :-)
    LTsK8eR2gO: that would b me :-D
    Her: that would most definatly b u
    LTsK8eR2gO: ur my sexy italian mafia donkey-ball licking (so old) hottie girl
    LTsK8eR2gO: lol
    LTsK8eR2gO: u remember that? with the donkey balls?
    LTsK8eR2gO: i forgot how the hell i came up with that...
    Her: hahahhahha
    Her: wow
    LTsK8eR2gO: cuz i was definately the one that came up w/ that
    LTsK8eR2gO: u wouldn't
    LTsK8eR2gO: maybe these days you would.. from bein' w/ me for so long
    Her: UR SO SEXY
    Her: u kno ur amazing
    Her: right?
    LTsK8eR2gO: hahah thanks! ur sexier
    Her: its sooo tru
    Her: im not trying to flatter u or be a pet or anything, its true. im sooooooooosuper lucky
    LTsK8eR2gO: ur my hottie!
    Her: woOt!
    Her: lol
    LTsK8eR2gO: hahahahahahah!
    LTsK8eR2gO: i love you!
    Her: *sings* :you belong to meeeeeeeeee" i love you too
    LTsK8eR2gO: i'm ALL yours
    LTsK8eR2gO: 100% of ME is yours
    Her: sAweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
    Her: mine mine mine

  15. #15
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    then the next second we're playfully arguing:

    Her: i <3 u more

    ok not that i'm complaining: but she's been having some weird ass mood swings lately!! what's the deal?

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