Hey Folks, hope you're all having a wonderful evening.

new to the forum here, and well, obviously, i'm in a little bit of a pickle! I thought I'd give this forum a try and see what kind of advice i could get from you generous bunch.

ahem, so here goes nothing:

met this awesome girl at a party two weekends ago and we hit it off right away and danced into the sunrise. ended up talking on the phone for the following week and eventually decided that we should meet up for dinner and just hang out this passed weekend. so everything goes as planned, I pick her up friday night, we go out to dinner, then grab some beverages and head over to my place to hang out with my roomies and eventually just watched a movie. by the end of it, it was just her and I, and things got a little intimate/physical (i guess kids would call it first base, haha).

the night went well and everything seemed peachy, i dropped her off and she implied that we should definitely go out again. for the next two days she continued to text me and everything seemed like it was still going great. then monday morning i get a text from her saying that i was great and everything, and she had a good time, but she just needs to be single for a bit because she's still a little 'messed up' from her previous relationship. however we did agree to remain acquaintances as she said she could use the company (friend-zoned?)

when i got home from work on monday i did a little bit of 'investigating' and found out that she was in a relationship with her ex boyfriend for just under 4 years. They broke up this summer sometimes in july or august. after digging a little further, i discovered that her 4 year anniversary with him would have been today, nov 20th, and shes obviously still a little shaken by it.

now my question is...
should i forget it and move on?
or should i let some time pass and maybe try again later when she's overcome this obstacle?
or should i offer to take her out later tonight to help her keep her mind off things and in a good-spirited mood?
or perhaps have flowers or something sent to her house to make her feel a little better?

would just like to say thanks in advance to any input i get from you guys, hopefully some time down the road i can be useful to this community, but right now, i need your help!
