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Thread: Mixed Messages

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Mixed Messages

    Maybe I am completely offbase with this but tell me what you guys think..

    There is this guy, a friend of my bro's who I am interested in. The problem is I have problems showing guys that I'm interested. At a party about 6 months ago I ended up talking to this guy most of the night one on one. Very sweet innocent talk, no outright flirting...although he was helping me in the kitchen and when he thought i burned myself he grabbed my hand, and didn't really let go for a while.

    Then i finally meet him again. My friends and his friends end up at the same club. I can tell he is always sorta looking at me from a distance. Anyways as soon as the chair beside me opens up he sat down and we proceeded to talk...the next time i looked up everyone was gone except for him and i...he sorta ditched his friends and i sorta ditched mine. Later at the club, (after i went off with my girls and had a couple of drinks) it was him, me and another guy outside talking. this other guy was begging me to dance and i was hesitating because i really didn't want to..but i finally agreed only on the condition that the guy i like join us...on the dance floor i kept leaning over and wispering in this guy's ear and didn't talk very much to the other creepy guy (who i knew had a gf).

    So as i lead this guy out to the patio after dancing, i grabbed his arm to pull him thru the crowd..and my hand slipped and came down his arm to his hand (i swear unintentional). So since i touched flesh i was about to let go when he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers so we were holding hands...later i let go.

    We ended up on the patio and talking all night...but this is where i didn't understand what happened. at one point he offered to introduce me to other brown guys! (he also mentioned brown girls at one point), and another thing he said was that when my friend came over and asked him if he had a good time that night..he responded no. i said ouch..he said oh no it has nothing to do with you, but my friends are acting like losers tonight and i'm kinda mad at them....

    a week later i meet this guy at a dinner party (formal) when i first saw him in the group , i went over and greeted them...he stood there and stared at me for a long time...and then i stared back for a while...and as soon as the seat beside me became available he came over and spoke to me....my friends were observing him and they told me he was definitely into me but honestly i have no clue.

    There were various little incidences which led me to believe he liked me but those comments about hooking me up and stuff make me stop and think i am wrong..

    Our mutual friend started calling me a bit too often (i think he himself has a bit of a crush on me) and one night when they were going out he called me on this guys cell phone...i told them the truth that i didn;t feel like going out that night. the following night over msn, the mutual friend asked if i would like to join them to go out to eat..which i also was unable to do. strangely the guy i liked came onto the mutual friends msn and told me "hey i called you yesterday, you number is now in my cell phone..here's my number *******"...then he left...that weekend we all went out (his friends and mine) yet he didn't come out, i have no idea why. at the end of the night i was a bit upset and while my friends were having a conversation about how guys should step up if they are interested, his best friend was defensive by saying that well, i know some guys who are very slow and shy and even when they are interested they can't show it..he mentioned that you can't just say hi and run away(something i did to this guy), the girl must show interest too...

    They had a huge exam coming up and the weekend they were done everyone went out clubbing...except me...that night some chick was extra confortable with him on the dance floor...

    i lost contact with this guy for about a month, basically because of our hectic schedules...i then hear he was "talking" to the same girl. I bump into his best friend and tell him that my friends and i were going out that weekend. he says where and are you sure your going? i responded with a definite yes.

    So my crush shows up at this club..basically eyeing every guy i talk to. at the beginning he stared at me, made eye contact..and i looked away after about 2 seconds. He was watching every move i made! so later he tries to start up a conversation with me..and i quickly ask "so where's so and so tonight"? he was a bit frustrated and responded "do i have to know where she is at all times" i laughed and said i guess not..i made an excuse and walked away after this seeing that he was so flustered. about an hour later he joined us on the dance floor and never left my side at any point..watching any guy who would come and wisper something in my ear. later he asks me "so who told you about so and so and I?" i said it is a small city, word gets around.

    about a half hour later he simply comes to me and wispers "who do you have a crush on?" i told him no one, that i did have a crush at one point, but now it is dying. fairly soon after this, he was leaving, he comes to me and tells me that he is, i whine a bit about how its too early..all the while the guy is holding my hand. at the time i didn't even notice. so i say to him, what the hurry? will so and so be waiting up for you? and then i giggled and pushed him, not even seeing his reaction.

    i saw him again that week at a social where he blatently went out of his way to talk to me..i was friendly but thats where it ended..again he watched me all night from a distance..he left early to be with his girlfriend for the night though.

    Anyways i am sorry about the length but I can't seem to let him go...its ruining my school career!
    any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Charming lil country called New Zealand
    Give him a chancehe wasn't that interested in the other girl anyway it's you he wants. Lol the poor guys trying his hardest and if you don't let him win you over then it's likely he'll give up and move on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    haha i would definitely give him a chance...if he wasn't dating another chick..to me that shows that he had a choice 1) to have the guts and ask me out 2) take the closest chick that was available...he chose 2). *sigh i guess no one likes working for it now a days!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heddy
    Give him a chancehe wasn't that interested in the other girl anyway it's you he wants. Lol the poor guys trying his hardest and if you don't let him win you over then it's likely he'll give up and move on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Charming lil country called New Zealand
    Just ask him if he's going out with another girl because he may not be. He may be one of those ever so nice and rare guys that actually get to know you before they ask you out and is just waiting for the right moment.

  5. #5
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    Join Date
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    Okay, I thought for almost a second about reading all of that...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Charming lil country called New Zealand
    Lol you're a fast thinker I dont mind reading long things as long as they are in paragraphs.

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