I have a feeling that my boyfriend takes me for granted. We've been together for almost a year now, both 30 years old. He is the type of person that wants to be in a relationship to feel secure instead of having fun as a single guy, but that worries me sometimes that he might want to be with me just for the sake of the relationship and not me.

Although he has shown to me that I'm important to him, we are in a long distant relationship and he comes by airplane to see me every weekend, calls me several times a day etc, and feels depressed and we're not together, and sends me flowers and being romantic, I think that it's not about me. It's about him wanting to feel secure in a relationship. He is a bit of a complex personality, sort of an unstable artist, very emotional.

Some examples that make me think:
- It has happened that when he is at my town and I can't wait to see him, he texts me saying that he's super unbelievably tired and that we should meet the day after instead...For me, it shows me that he doesn't look forward seeing me as much as I do. It's not like we live together and see each other every day or that we have all the time of the world to spend it together.
- Sometimes, when he comes at my town and we haven't seen each other for a while, and he's being playing at a big concert just before me going at his place (he is a classical musician), when I'm finally there he's acting all strange, hardly hugging me and kissing me, but mostly doing everything else except spending the first night together with me after say 10 days we haven't met. Yes he talks with me, but mostly about music and explaining this and that, and sending emails for work, and smses that he just thought are important to send, and fixing his bag and clothes and being totally hyperactive (he blame the concert). I would on the other hand want to spend this time hugging and kissing since it was quite a while since last time. I don't think I would wait for us to go to bed to finally be intimate.
- When we are on Skype with cameras on, he usually reads other stuff on his screen or send emails to other people while I'm just focusing on him because we are Skyping with cameras. The last thing he did while he was at a hotel eating crisps, we were on Skype and suddenly he said "wait, I'll ask if my colleagues want some crisps", so he had me waiting on Skype while he was out of his hotel room searching for his colleagues...?? I wouldn't do that ever. I would wait for our call to end first and then do all that, send emails, offer crisps to others far away etc.
- He is always so dominating trying to make me see his favorite movies, listen to his favorite music. But he's never acted interested in my favorite movies and music and interests, even though he sais that he absolultely is. But when I try, he is just acting like he's bored.

It's small things like that, that make me feel that I'm not first or second at his list, but I'm most likely down the middle. That he takes me for granted and he doesn't really feel that he needs to try harder and give me the attention that I give him. Or that he has some sort of impulsive personality and doesn't think before he does stuff. He is a very emotionally unstable person and maybe I should accept it. I'm confused. What are other signs of been taken for granted that I should be aware of? Or am I being overly sensitive?