I'm 32 years old woman. My workmate and sort of a friend asked me out in July. He was few months after he split up with his nearly a year long girlfriend (they moved in together quickly and he had to sell his flat, she suffered from depression and it didn't work out). I was single for 10 months that time and hence we were friends we were honest about to each other. We were dating and he had booked holiday with his friend and while he was away he still was chastity, got in touch every day from Dubai, but after he returned he changed. He started being distant when apart, it was me contacting him first, but when we spent time together he seemed all right. We used to see over the weekends as he lives outside of London and he had to move in with his parents and also lives with his sister and her kid- but since he returned from Dubai there was always something he couldn't make it to come to London- once his niece was in hospital, so he had to go,then he was sick and couldn't come, then he didn't have anyone to drop him to the station (eventually made it) and las Sunday I got a message he had a migraine and couldn't come. It all started looking to me like making excuses. So I finally asked him if he really suffered from migraine because the past 3 weeks I heard excuses not to come to London and judging by the last relationship experience, when a guy becomes distant and can't see you it always was an omen for a break up. He got annoyed by the fact I brought in up the second time and said he did suffer from migraine but if I feel like that there we should call it a day. Just like that. I don't Gert it- before he went onnholidsy and during holiday he was all right and was making plans for the future, since he got back he changed. And now this. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut however I'm too old for funny games and prefer to be told off is someone wants out but don't get his abrupt reaction.
Any clues? I was playing it cool and I'm not having taslks with him like about moving in next year, meeting parents etc. As I know these things takes time, edpecially when we both had bad relationships before (my last ex suffered from depression too and I know how it is to be with someone sick).