
Type: Posts; User: Enchanté

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  1. Replies

    How to interact with an ex?

    I've posted a couple of times a month or so back--but here's a brief overview for my question. Gist is i dated this guy for 7 months, he broke it off because he wasn't "head over heels" for me....
  2. i know you said you don't really need advice, but...

    i know you said you don't really need advice, but from this small summary of your relationship, i can at least agree with you that this was the right choice. And i know that doesn't make it any...
  3. Replies

    sounds similar to why my boyfriend broke up with...

    sounds similar to why my boyfriend broke up with me, wasn't "invested" in it. just assume it's over. it's just easier that way, and begin to move on. if it's supposed to work out between you two then...
  4. ha. that is so sad. but oh so true.

    ha. that is so sad. but oh so true.
  5. Replies

    if she wants to be with you, she'll be with...

    if she wants to be with you, she'll be with you--but she has to be the one to decide that, you can't decide it for her. let her be, and give her space and time. meanwhile, work on yourself and accept...
  6. Replies

    i think the less of a deal you make of it, the...

    i think the less of a deal you make of it, the less it matters. i think it truly depends on whether or not you think it's really necessary--for me, it's been way easier to not seem them pop up on my...
  7. Replies

    it took me over 2 weeks after my breakup before I...

    it took me over 2 weeks after my breakup before I felt like i could eat a full meal again, but I forced myself to eat at least something every day. Find a new tv show, or book series to invest...
  8. Replies

    i would go for the subtle move of just asking to...

    i would go for the subtle move of just asking to get drinks rather than randomly showing up at the airport, that way there's way less pressure on the both of you for anything to come of it, and if it...
  9. Replies

    it's normal to want more from someone you are in...

    it's normal to want more from someone you are in a relationship with if they aren't giving you what you deserve. granted, there's a line, but simple contact and communication is not asking for too...
  10. Replies

    if it makes it easier--i didn't completely block...

    if it makes it easier--i didn't completely block my ex, i just blocked their posts from popping up in my newsfeed. You can control who shows up on your main feed by editing your options at the...
  11. Replies

    First of all, heck yea ohio! secondly, i noticed...

    First of all, heck yea ohio! secondly, i noticed you said this was your first relationship--it may not seem important, but you could be more forgiving because you haven't had previous experience to...
  12. you can't commit to someone if you're not certain...

    you can't commit to someone if you're not certain you even want to be with her, and it would be unfair to both of you to start something serious and committed when you're not fully ready or into it....
  13. Replies

    it's probably been 4 or 5 weeks, but, truthfully,...

    it's probably been 4 or 5 weeks, but, truthfully, I cannot remember. and i know it's getting better because of the simple fact that I stopped keeping track. He has texted me and commented on my...
  14. I once read somewhere that no matter the reasons...

    I once read somewhere that no matter the reasons for a breakup, the motivations, or the uncertainty, once someone breaks up with you, even if all signs hopefully point to getting back together, act...
  15. because he let me go.

    because he let me go.
  16. Of course it hurts--you invest yourself...

    Of course it hurts--you invest yourself completely and fully to someone, you let them know all your insecurities as well as strengths, and having known your full picture, they turned you down. And...
  17. wow. that's an intense situation, mate. I haven't...

    wow. that's an intense situation, mate. I haven't ever experienced anything like this--but from reading this I'm thinking your best bet is to just let it go and move on. I know i know, that's...
  18. i was just in a LDR, and he dumped me. I spent a...

    i was just in a LDR, and he dumped me. I spent a lot of time trying to convince myself that if only we had been together this wouldn't have happened, but that doesn't change that it did. I've sort of...
  19. I'm basically at this place as well. Though in my...

    I'm basically at this place as well. Though in my little plateau, I consider it huge progress from where I started. But i've come to realize that it's unlikely that one day I'll just wake up and...
  20. Replies

    yea it's just difficult. plain and simple. I know...

    yea it's just difficult. plain and simple. I know it just takes time, and that I just need to keep moving forward, living in the moment instead of the past, or worrying about the future, but...
  21. Replies

    Time moves too freaking slowly

    I feel pathetic. It's been nearly a month and a half since the break-up, and while I've made significant progress since then, there are still moments when I really just can't handle the pain. I'm...
  22. Replies

    In the past week I've really come to terms with...

    In the past week I've really come to terms with reality and myself and just accepting that sometimes things don't work out. And sometimes people are just not meant to be together. I really do believe...
  23. Replies

    How do I move on?

    So here's the deal. I've recently been dumped (about a month ago) by my boyfriend of 7 months. We were studying abroad together, and so we basically lived together for the entire academic year,...
Results 1 to 23 of 23